Tutorial for the Neo4j backend

Part 3: Rewriting schema-aware PGs through TypedNeo4jGraph

Let us start by importing the necessary data structures and functions:

from regraph import NXGraph, TypedNeo4jGraph, Rule
from regraph.attribute_sets import IntegerSet, RegexSet
from regraph import plot_rule

Creating and modifying a schema-aware graph object

Let us start by defining elements for the data and the schema graph:

# Define schema graph elements
schema_nodes = [
    ("Person", {"age": IntegerSet.universal()}),
    ("Organization", {"location": RegexSet.universal()})]
schema_edges = [
    ("Person", "Person", {"type": {"friend", "parent", "colleague"}}),
    ("Organization", "Organization"),
    ("Person", "Organization", {"type": {"works_in", "studies_in"}})

# Define data graph elements
data_nodes = [
    ("Alice", {"age": 15}),
    ("Eric", {"age": 45}),
    ("Sandra", {"age": 47}),
    ("ENS Lyon", {"location": "Lyon"}),
    ("UN", {"location": "Geneva"}),
    ("INTERPOL", {"location": "Lyon"})
data_edges = [
    ("Alice", "Bob", {"type": "friend"}),
    ("Bob", "Alice", {"type": "friend"}),
    ("Sandra", "Eric", {"type": "friend"}),
    ("Sandra", "Bob", {"type": "parent"}),
    ("Eric", "Alice", {"type": "parent"}),
    ("Eric", "UN"),
    ("Eric", "Sandra", {"type": "colleague"})

# Provide typing of the data by the schema
data_typing = {
    "Alice": "Person",
    "Bob": "Person",
    "Eric": "Person",
    "Sandra": "Person",
    "ENS Lyon": "Organization",
    "UN": "Organization",
    "INTERPOL": "Organization"

Now, let us create a schema-aware PG:

graph = TypedNeo4jGraph(
    data_graph={"nodes": data_nodes, "edges": data_edges},
    schema_graph={"nodes": schema_nodes, "edges": schema_edges},

The following snippet illustrates how different graph objects can be accessed:

>>> print("Schema object: ", type(graph.get_schema()))
Schema object:  <class 'regraph.backends.neo4j.graphs.Neo4jGraph'>
>>> print("Schema nodes: ", graph.get_schema_nodes())
Schema nodes:  ['Person', 'Organization']
>>> print("Schema edges: ", graph.get_schema_edges())
Schema edges:  [('Person', 'Organization'), ('Person', 'Person'), ('Organization', 'Organization')]
>>> print("Data object: ", type(graph.get_data()))
Data object:  <class 'regraph.backends.neo4j.graphs.Neo4jGraph'>
>>> print("Data nodes: ", graph.get_data_nodes())
Data nodes:  ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Eric', 'Sandra', 'ENS Lyon', 'UN', 'INTERPOL']
>>> print("Data edges: ", graph.get_data_edges())
Data edges:  [('Alice', 'Bob'), ('Bob', 'Alice'), ('Eric', 'Sandra'), ('Eric', 'UN'), ('Eric', 'Alice'), ('Sandra', 'Bob'), ('Sandra', 'Eric')]
>>> print("Data typing:", graph.get_data_typing())
Data typing: {
   "Sandra": "Person",
   "Eric": "Person",
   "Alice": "Person",
   "Bob": "Person",
   "UN": "Organization",
   "ENS Lyon": "Organization",
   "INTERPOL": "Organization"

Rewriting schema-aware graphs

ReGraph implements the rewriting technique called sesqui-pushout rewriting that allows to transform graphs by applying rules through their instances (matchings). Rewriting of the data or the schema may require an update to the other graph, such updates are called propagation and are distinguished into two types: backward and forward propagation.

Backward propagation briefly: - If some graph elements (nodes/edges or attributes) are removed from the schema, then all the respective elements that are typed by them in the data should be removed. - If a graph node is cloned in the schema, then for every instance of this node in the data we either: (a) specify to which clone it corresponds or (b) clone it.

Forward propagation briefly: - If some data nodes are merged and these nodes are typed by different nodes in the schema, the corresponding schema nodes should be merged. - If a new graph element (node/edge or attribute) is added to the data, then we either (a) select an existing element to type the added element by the schema or (b) add a new element to the schema to type the added element.

ReGraph allows to rewrite schema-aware PGs and their schemas using the methods rewrite_data and rewrite_schema of TypedNeo4jGraph. The rewriting can be done in two modes:

  1. Strict rewriting rewriting that does not allow propagation.

  2. Not strict rewriting that allows propagation.

Strict rewriting

TypedNeo4jGraph implements a set of methods that perform transformations of both data and schema that do not require propagation. Conider the following examples.

>>> graph.add_schema_node("Country", {"location": RegexSet.universal()})
>>> graph.add_schema_edge("Organization", "Country", {"type": {"located_in"}})
>>> print("Schema nodes: ", graph.get_schema_nodes())
Schema nodes:  ['Person', 'Organization', 'Country']
>>> print("Schema edges: ", graph.get_schema_edges())
Schema edges:  [('Person', 'Organization'), ('Person', 'Person'), ('Organization', 'Country'), ('Organization', 'Organization')]
>>> graph.add_data_node("France", typing="Country", attrs={"location": "Europe"})
>>> graph.add_data_edge("INTERPOL", "France", {"type": "located_in"})
>>> print("Data nodes: ", graph.get_data_nodes())
Data nodes:  ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Eric', 'Sandra', 'ENS Lyon', 'UN', 'INTERPOL', 'France']
>>> print("Data edges: ", graph.get_data_edges())
Data edges:  [('Alice', 'Bob'), ('Bob', 'Alice'), ('Eric', 'Sandra'), ('Eric', 'UN'), ('Eric', 'Alice'), ('Sandra', 'Bob'), ('Sandra', 'Eric'), ('INTERPOL', 'France')]

We will now create a rule that applied to the schema and that clones the node Organization into two nodes.

lhs = NXGraph()

rule = Rule.from_transform(lhs)
_, rhs_clone = rule.inject_clone_node("Organization")

instance = {
    "Organization": "Organization"


..image:: _static/typedn4/r1.png

We try to apply the created rule to the graph T in the strict mode. The following snippet:

    rhs_instance = graph.rewrite_schema(rule, strict=True)
except Exception as e:
    print("Error message: ", e)
    print("Type: ", type(e))


Error message:  Rewriting is strict (no propagation of clones is allowed), the cloned node 'Organization' in 'type' has instances '['UN', 'ENS Lyon', 'INTERPOL']' in 'node' and their typing by P is not specified
Type:  <class 'regraph.exceptions.RewritingError'>

We have failed to rewrite the schema, because we have not specified typing for instances of Organization in the rule’s interface. Let us try again, but this time we will prove such typing.

data_typing = {
    'ENS Lyon': rhs_clone,
    'UN': "Organization",
    'INTERPOL': 'Organization'
rhs_instance = graph.rewrite_schema(
    rule, data_typing=data_typing, strict=True)
>>> print("Instance of the RHS in G", rhs_instance)
Instance of the RHS in G {'Organization': 'Organization', 'Organization1': 'Organization1'}

Let us relabel nodes in T.

>>> graph.relabel_schema_node(rhs_instance[rhs_clone], 'University')
>>> graph.relabel_schema_node(rhs_instance["Organization"], "International_Organization")
>>> print(json.dumps(graph.get_data_typing(), indent="   "))
   "Sandra": "Person",
   "Eric": "Person",
   "Alice": "Person",
   "Bob": "Person",
   "UN": "International_Organization",
   "INTERPOL": "International_Organization",
   "France": "Country",
   "ENS Lyon": "University"

We now show how graph rewriting that requires propagation can be performed in such schema-aware PG. Let us first consider a small example of forward propagation. We will create a rule that performs some additions of new nodes not typed by schema.

pattern = NXGraph()
pattern.add_nodes_from(["a", "b", "c"])
        ("a", "b", {"type": "colleague"}),
        ("a", "c")

rule = Rule.from_transform(pattern)
rule.inject_remove_edge("a", "c")
rule.inject_add_edge("Crime_Division", "c", {"type": "part_of"})
rule.inject_add_edge("a", "Crime_Division")
rule.inject_add_edge("b", "Crime_Division")


..image:: _static/typedn4/r2.png

We have created a rule that clones the node a and reconnects the edges between a and b.

pattern_typing = {
    "a": "Person",
    "b":  "Person",
    "c": "International_Organization"
instances = graph.find_data_matching(pattern, pattern_typing=pattern_typing)

We obtain the following instances:

>>> print(instances)
{'a': 'Eric', 'b': 'Sandra', 'c': 'UN'}

We rewrite the graph shapes with the fixed instances (so, the node circle is cloned).

>>> rhs_instance = graph.rewrite_data(rule, instance=instances[0])
>>> print(rhs_instance)
{'a': 'Eric', 'b': 'Sandra', 'c': 'UN', 'Crime_Division': 'Crime_Division'}

To type the new node ‘Crime_Division’, we have created a new node in the schema.

>>> schema_node = graph.get_node_type(rhs_instance["Crime_Division"])
>>> graph.relabel_schema_node(schema_node, "Division")
>>> print("Schema nodes: ", graph.get_schema_nodes())
Schema nodes:  ['Division', 'Person', 'International_Organization', 'Country', 'University']
>>> print("Schema edges: ", graph.get_schema_edges())
Schema edges:  [('Division', 'International_Organization'), ('Person', 'Division'), ('Person', 'University'), ('Person', 'International_Organization'), ('Person', 'Person'), ('International_Organization', 'University'), ('International_Organization', 'Country'), ('International_Organization', 'International_Organization'), ('University', 'University'), ('University', 'International_Organization'), ('University', 'Country')]

Now, let us consider an example of backward propagation. We will clone the node Person in the schema into a Child and Adult. We will determine which instances of Person are typed by Child or Adult by looking a the age attribute.

pattern = NXGraph()
pattern.add_edges_from([("Person", "Person", {"type": {"friend", "parent", "colleague"}})])

interface =  NXGraph()
interface.add_nodes_from(["Adult", "Child"])
    ("Adult", "Adult", {"type": {"friend", "parent", "colleague"}}),
    ("Child", "Child", {"type": {"friend"}}),
    ("Adult", "Child", {"type": {"friend", "parent"}}),
    ("Child", "Adult", {"type": {"friend"}}),

rule = Rule(p=interface, lhs=pattern, p_lhs={"Adult": "Person", "Child": "Person"})

Let us determine which instances of Person are typed by Child or Adult as follows.

data_typing = {}

persons = graph.get_instances("Person")
for p in persons:
    p_attrs = graph.get_data_node(p)
    if "age" in p_attrs:
        age = list(p_attrs["age"])[0]
        if age > 18:
            data_typing[p] = "Adult"
            data_typing[p] = "Child"
>>> print("Data typing: ", data_typing)
Data typing:  {'Sandra': 'Adult', 'Eric': 'Adult', 'Alice': 'Child'}
>>> rhs_instance = graph.rewrite_schema(rule, data_typing=data_typing)
>>> print(rhs_instance)
{'Adult': 'Person1', 'Child': 'Person'}

Let us relabel nodes appropriately:

graph.relabel_schema_node(rhs_instance["Adult"], "Adult")
graph.relabel_schema_node(rhs_instance["Child"], "Child")
print("Schema nodes: ", graph.get_schema_nodes())
print("Schema edges: ")
for s, t in graph.get_schema_edges():
    print("\t", s, "->", t)

print("Data nodes: ", graph.get_data_nodes())
print("Data edges: ")
for s, t, attrs in graph.get_data_edges(data=True):
    print("\t", s, "->", t, attrs)

We obtain the following output:

Schema nodes:  ['Child', 'University', 'Country', 'International_Organization', 'Division',  'Adult']
Schema edges:
     Child -> Adult
     Child -> Division
     Child -> International_Organization
     Child -> University
     Child -> Child
     University -> International_Organization
     University -> Country
     University -> University
     International_Organization -> University
     International_Organization -> International_Organization
     International_Organization -> Country
     Division -> International_Organization
     Adult -> Child
     Adult -> Division
     Adult -> Adult
     Adult -> University
     Adult -> International_Organization

Data nodes:  ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Eric', 'Sandra', 'ENS Lyon', 'UN', 'INTERPOL', 'France', 'Crime_Division', 'Bob1']
Data edges:
     Alice -> Bob1 {'type': {'friend'}}
     Alice -> Bob {'type': {'friend'}}
     Bob -> Alice {'type': {'friend'}}
     Eric -> Crime_Division {}
     Eric -> Sandra {'type': {'colleague'}}
     Eric -> Alice {'type': {'parent'}}
     Sandra -> Bob1 {'type': {'parent'}}
     Sandra -> Crime_Division {}
     Sandra -> Bob {'type': {'parent'}}
     Sandra -> Eric {'type': {'friend'}}
     INTERPOL -> France {'type': {'located_in'}}
     Crime_Division -> UN {'type': {'part_of'}}
     Bob1 -> Alice {'type': {'friend'}}

Observe that we have cloned the node Bob into two nodes Bob and Bob1, one being an instance of Adult and another of Child.

>>> print(json.dumps(graph.get_data_typing(), indent="  "))
  "Alice": "Child",
  "Bob1": "Child",
  "ENS Lyon": "University",
  "France": "Country",
  "UN": "International_Organization",
  "INTERPOL": "International_Organization",
  "Crime_Division": "Division",
  "Eric": "Adult",
  "Bob": "Adult",
  "Sandra": "Adult"

See more

Module reference: Neo4j-based hierarchies