′ = A(x[1],y{p}[.],z{e2}[.]),C(t[.])
where the site t of C is now free as side effect.
Whatever symbols for link state [#] (for whatever state bound or not), [_] (for bound to some
site), may also induce side effects when they are not preserved in the RHS of a rule, as in
1’Disconnect␣A’ A(x[_]) -> A(x[.]) @ ’gamma’
1’Force␣bind␣A’ A(x[#]),C(t[.]) -> A(x[1]),C(t[1]) @ ’gamma’
To avoid mistakes, sites and states mentioned on the left must be exactly the same as sites
mentioned on the right. Use the explicit “whatever” [#] state when needed.
2.5.2 Edit notation rules
Near any modified element, modification is specified. Created agents are postfixed by a
+. Degraded agents
are postfixed by a −.
Site modifications are described by writing the new (linking or internal) state after the symbol
∕ inside the (curly/squared)
bracket. Therefore, ∕.
(inside squared brackets) means that the site becomes free,
∕9 means that the site
becomes part of link 9
and ∕zzz
inside curly brackets means that the new internal state of the site is
Here are all the rules mentioned above (+1 extra) translated in this unambiguous notation:
1’A␣dimerization’ A(x[./1]),A(y{p}[./1]) @ ’gamma’ 2’destroy␣A’ A(x, y{u}, z)- @ ’gamma’ 3’building␣A’ A(z[./1]), A(x[1])+ @ ’gamma’ 4’deleting␣A’ A(x[1/.]), A(z[1])- @ ’gamma’ 5’weird’ A(z[1])-, A(x[1])-, A(x[.])+ @ ’gamma’ 6’Disconnect␣A’ A(x[_/.]) @ ’gamma’ 7’Force␣bind␣A’ A(x[#/1]), C(t[./1]) @ ’gamma’ 8’phos␣C’ C(x1{u/p}[1/.]),A(c[1/.]) @ ’modrate’
2.5.3 Rates
Kappa rules are equipped with one (or two) kinetic rate(s). A rate is an algebraic expression (often
simply a real number) evaluated as such, called the individual-based or stochastic rate constant, it is the
rate at which the corresponding rule is applied per instance of the rule. Its dimension is the inverse of a
time [T−1].
The stochastic rate is related to the concentration-based rate constant
k of the
rule of interest by the following relation:
where V is the volume where
the model is considered, 𝒜=6.022⋅1023
is Avogadro’ s number, a≥0 is
the arity of the rule (i.e. 2
for a bimolecular rule).
In a modelling context, the constant k
is typically expressed using molars M:=molesl−1
(or variants thereof such as μM,
and seconds or minutes. If we choose molars and seconds,
k’ s unit
is M1−as−1, as
follows from the relation 2.1.
Concentration-based rates are usually favoured for measurements and/or deterministic models, so
it is useful to know how to convert them into individual-based ones used by KaSim. Here are
typical volumes used in modelling:
- Mammalian cell: V=2.2510−12l
and 𝒜V=1.351012.
A concentration of 1M
in a mammalian cell volume corresponds to 1.351012
molecules; 1nM≈1350
molecules per cell.
- Yeast cell (haploid): V=410−14l,
and 𝒜V=2.41010.
A concentration of 1M
in a yeast cell volume corresponds to 2.41010
molecules; 1nM≈24
molecules per cell. The volume is doubled in a diploid cell.
- E. Coli cell: V=10−15l,
and 𝒜V=108.
A concentration of 1M
in a yeast cell volume corresponds to 108
molecules; 10nM≈1
molecule per cell.
The table 2.4 lists typical ranges for deterministic rate constants and their stochastic counterparts
assuming a mammalian cell volume.
Table 2.4: Example of kinetic rates.
process | k | γ |
general binding | 107−109 | 10−5−10−3 |
general unbinding | 10−3−10−1 | 10−3−10−1 |
dephosphorylation | 1 | 1 |
phosphorylation | 0.1 | 0.1 |
receptor dimerization | 2106 | 1.610−6 |
receptor dissociation | 1.610−1 | 1.610−1 |
2.5.4 Ambiguous molecularity
Using a Kappa rule of the form
@ γ is not a
good practice, where this rule could be applied in a context where A and B are sometimes already
connected and sometimes disconnected. This would lead to an inconsistency in the definition of the
kinetic rate γ
which should have a volume dependency in the former case and be volume independent in the
latter case (e.g. see Section 2.5.3).
This sort of ambiguity should be resolved, if possible, by refining the ambiguous
rule into cases that are either exclusively unary or binary. Each refinement having
a kinetic rate that is consistent with its molecularity. Note that in practice, for
models having a large number of agents, it is sufficient to assume that the rule
@ γ will
have only binary instances. In this case, it suffices to consider the approximate model:
1’assumed␣binary␣AB’ A(x[.]),B(y[.]) -> ... @ ’ga_2’ 2’unary␣AB’ A(x[.],c[1]),C(a[1],b[2]),B(y[.],c[2]) -> ... @ ’k_1’
There exist systems where enumerating unary cases becomes impossible or where the
approximation on binary instances is wrong. As an alternative, one should use the Kappa
notation for ambiguous rules:
- 'my rule'Kappa_expression →
Kappa_expression @γ2{k1}
which will tell KaSim to apply the rule named 'my rule' with a rate
γ2 for binary instances
and a rate k1
for unary instances.
The obtained model will behave exactly as a model in which the ambiguous rule has been
replaced by unambiguous refinements. However the usage of such rule slowdowns simulation in a
significant manner depending on various parameters (such as the presence of large polymers in
the model). We give below an example of a model utilizing binary/unary rates for
rules .
Notice at lines 10-12 the use of binary/unary notation for rules. As a result binding between
freely floating agents will occur at rate 'k2' while binding between agents that are
part of the same complex will occur at rate 'k1'. Line 21 contains a intervention that
requires KaSim to stop the simulation after 10,000 events and output the list of molecular
species present in the final mixture as a dot file (e.g. see Section 2.7) that we give in
Figure 2.1.
For rules with unary rates, one can also specify a horizon. For example in the following rule:
1’a.b’ A(b[.]),B(a[.]) -> A(b[1]),B(a[1]) @ ’k2’{’k1’:5}
the unary rate is applied only when the agents
A and
B are at
a horizon 5
(or closer), of each other. Horizon is an algebraic expression. It is always truncated to a positive
integer during simulation. This feature can change in the future.
Table 2.5: Rate expressions.
rate_expression | ::= | algebraic_expression |
| | | algebraic_expression {algebraic_expression:algebraic_expression} |
2.5.5 Hybrid rules
In Kappa, there can be a special treatment of entities that cannot bind anything: tokens. Tokens
can only appear or disappear, they are typically used to represent small particles such as ions,
ATP, etc.
Tokens may have a continuous concentration.
Token signatures are declared using a statement of the form:
1%token: ca+ # Signature of calcium token
It is possible to mix agents and tokens in hybrid rules (which may also be bi-directional). A
hybrid rule has the following form:
- Kappa_expression | token_expression →
Kappa_expression | token_expression @ rate
Token expressions follow the grammar in Table 2.6.
Table 2.6: Token expressions.
token_expression | ::= | algebraic_expression token_name |
| | | token_expression , token_expression |
token_name | ::= | Id |
Using Kappa hybrid rules, one may declare that an action has effects on the concentration of
some particles of the system. For instance, a rule may consume atp, calcium ions, etc. It would be
a waste of memory and time to use discrete agents to represent such particles. Instead one may
declare tokens using declarations of the form:
1%token: atp 2%token: adp
One may then use these tokens in conjunction with a classical rule using the hybrid format:
1’hybrid␣rule’ S(x{u}[1]),K(y[1]) | 0.2 atp -> S(x{p}[.]),K(y[.]) | 0.1 adp @ ’k’
When applied, the above rule will consume 0.2 atp token and produce 0.1 adp token. Note that as
specified by the grammar given in Table 2.6, the number of consumed (and produced) tokens can
be given by a sum of the form:
- lhs | a1
..., an
rhs | a′1
..., a′k
@ r
where each ai,a′i
is an arbitrary algebraic expression (e.g. see Table 2.2) and each
is a declared token. In the above hybrid rule, denoting by
ni,n′i the respective
evaluation of ai and
a′i, the concentration of
token ti will decrease from
ni and the concentration
of token t′i will increase
from n′i.
Importantly, the activity of a hybrid rule is still defined by |lhs|*r, where |lhs| is the number
of embeddings of the LHS of the rule in the mixture, and does not take into account the
concentration of the tokens it mentions. It is however possible to make its rate explicitly depend
on the concentrations of the tokens using a variable rate.
Consuming t tokens is strickly
equivalent to producing −t
tokens. All variations in amount of tokens can be written on the RHS of rules. This is what is
done in edit notation when tokens are used:
1’hybrid␣rule’ S(x~u/~p!1/),K(y!1/) | (-0.1) atp @ ’k’
The variations make clear that the simulator does not check that the consumed amount of token
is available. It consumes tokens even if the quantity becomes then negative!
2.6 Initial conditions
The initial mixture to which rules in the KF will be applied are declared as follows:
- %init: algebraic_expression Kappa_expression
- %init: algebraic_expression token_name
where algebraic_expression is evaluated before initialization of the simulation (hence all token
and Kappa expression values in the expression are evaluated to 0). This will add to the initial
state of the model multiple copies of the graph described by the Kappa expression. The
DCDW convention allows us not to write the complete interface of added agents (the
remaining sites will be completed according to the agent’s signature). For instance:
1%var: ’n’ 1000 2%init: ’n’ A(),A(y{p}) 3%init: 0.39 ca2+ //mM
will add 1000 instances of A in its default state A(x[.],y{u}[.],z{e0}[.]), 1000 instances of A
in state A(x[.],y{p}[.],z{e0}[.]) and a concentration of 0.39 mM of calcium ions. Recall that
the concentration of calcium can be observed during simulation by using the expression |ca2+|.
As any other declaration, %init can be used multiple times, and agents will add up to the initial
2.7 Intervention language
Getting something out of a model is done like in lab experiment through intervention.
Each intervention directive is splitted in 4 parts:
- When trying to intervene should be considered
- what is the condition under which the intervention is triggered
- what are the interventions
- if the intervention is triggered, under what condition should it be still tried
There are 3 categories of intervention:
- where the model is changed at the time of trigger (a special rule applied, a
variable changed, the simulation stopped)
immediate measurement
- where a measure is taken at the time of trigger (value of %plot
printed, the current status of the mixture output, ...)
continuous measurement switch
- where you start or stop a measurement at time of
They are all described in detail below.
2.7.1 directive syntax
The general syntax is
- %mod: alarm float boolean_expression do effect_list repeat boolean_expression
- %mod: clock condition do intervention repeat repeatition
and syntactic sugar detailed below is provided.
Boolean_expression and effect_list are defined by the grammar given
in Table 2.7 (the operator rel can be any usual binary relation in
{<,=,>} and
algebraic expressions are defined in Table 2.2).
Table 2.7: Intervention expressions.
boolean_expression | ::= | algebraic_expression rel algebraic_expression |
| | | (boolean_expression || boolean_expression) |
| | | (boolean_expression && boolean_expression) |
| | | [not] boolean_expression |
| | | [true] | [false] |
effect_list | ::= | effect ; effect_list | effect |
effect | ::= | $ADD algebraic_expression agent_expression |
| | | $DEL algebraic_expression agent_expression |
| | | token_name <- algebraic_expression |
| | | $SNAPSHOT string_expression |
| | | $STOP string_expression |
| | | $DIN string_expression boolean |
| | | $TRACK 'var_name' boolean |
| | | $UPDATE 'var_name' algebraic_expression |
| | | $PLOTENTRY |
| | | $PRINT string_expression <string_expression> |
| | | $SPECIES_OFF string_expression Kappa_expression boolean |
string_expression | ::= | 𝜀 | "string" . string_expression |
| | | algebraic_expression . string_expression |
boolean | ::= | [true] | [false] |
There are 2 kind of clocks, an event based one and simulation time ones.
The event based one has the empty string for syntax: if nothing is written for clock, it uses the
event based clock. It fires at the beginning of the simulation and every time a rule has just
The time based one syntax is alarm float, it fires every amount of time unit given by the float
(including at [T]=0).
For example %mod: alarm 2.3 [true] do $PLOTENTRY; repeat [true]
will print a line in the data file every 2.3 time unit of simulation whereas
%mod: |A()| > 1000 do $PLOTENTRY; repeat |B(x[_])| < |B(x[.])| will do it every event
where there is more than 1000 A up to the first event where (there is more than 1000 A) and the
number of |B(x[_])| becomes bigger than the number of |B(x[.])|.
When the conditions of several interventions that are tested at the same moment are satisfied
simultanously, interventions are triggered in the order in which they have been declared in the
KF. A intervention can only be fired once per event loop.
2.7.2 shortcuts
If the repeat keyword and the repeat condition are ommited, it is assumed that it is
repeat [false] aka a one-shot intervention.
If the (pre)condition is ommited, it is considerated to be [true] unless both conditions are
ommited and a clock is provided. In this case the implicit condition is [T] > 0 so that
%mod: alarm 5.8 do effects is somehow a ’at’ operator. It means “do effects at [T] =
2.7.3 Model modification
Applying a rule during a simulation
Special cases: simply adding or deleting agents
Continuing with the ABC model, the intervention effect: $ADD n C(x1~p) will add
instances of C with x1 already in state p (and the rest of its interface in the default state as
specified line 4 of ABC.ka). Also the intervention effect: $DEL |B(x!_)| B(x!_) will remove all
Bs connected to some agent from the mixture.
There are various ways one can use interventions to study more deeply a given Kappa
model. A basic illustration is the use of a simple intervention to let a system equilibrate
before starting a real simulation. For instance, as can be seen from the curve given in
Fig. 1.1, the number of AB complexes is arbitrarily set to 0 in the initial state (all
As are disconnected from Bs in the initial mixture). In order to avoid this, one can
modify the Kappa file in the following way: one sets the initial concentration of C
to 0 by deleting line 22. Now one introduces Cs after 25 t.u using the intervention:
%mod: [T]=25 do $ADD 10000 C();.
The modified Kappa file is available in the source repository, in the model/ directory (file
abc-pert.ka). Run a simulation again (a bit longer) by entering in the command
- KaSim ABC-pert.ka -l 300 -p 0.3 -o abc2.out
one obtains the curve given in Fig. 2.2.
Updating kinetic rates on the fly
Any variable between simple quotes can be updated during a simulation using a declaration of the
form: %mod: ’Cpp’> 500 do $UPDATE ’k_on’0.0;
This intervention will be applied whenever the observable 'Cpp' will become greater than 500. Its
effect will be to set the on rate of all binding rules to 0. Note that, according to the
grammar given in Table 2.7, one may use any algebraic expression as the new value
of the variable. For instance: %mod: ’Cpp’> 500 do $UPDATE ’k_on’’k_on’/100;
will cause the on rate of all rules to decrease a hundred fold. Note that, it is possible
to override the kinetic rate of a specific rule: in our ABC example, the declaration:
%mod: ’Cpp’> 500 do $UPDATE ’a.b’inf; will set the kinetic rate of rule 'a.b' to
Interrupt simulation
The intervention $STOP will interrupt the simulation. It returns the hand to the user if one run in
interactive mode or terminates the run in batch mode.
The intervention $STOP "final_state.ka" will in addition produce a snapshot of the last
2.7.4 Model immediate examination
Advanced and/or experimental examinations are listed in chapter 5.
Get a snapshot of the mixture
A snapshot is an instant photography of the current state of the mixture (a dump of the state at
a given moment in the simulation).
A snapshot is suitable as an initial condition for a model. In the previous example, we let the
system evolve for some time without its main reactant C in order to let other reactants go to a
less arbitrary initial state. One may object that this way of proceeding is CPU-time consuming if
one has to do this at each simulation.
An alternative is to use the $SNAPSHOT primitive that allows a user to export a snapshot of the
mixture at a given time point as a new (piece of) Kappa file. For instance, the declaration:
%mod: [E-]/([E]+[E-])>0.9 do $SNAPSHOT "prefix"; will ask KaSim to export the mixture
the first time the percentage of null events reaches 90%. The exported file will be named
where n
is the event number at which the snapshot was taken. One may also use a string_expression to
construct any prefix using local variables.
One may omit to define a prefix and simply type: %mod: [E-]/([E]+[E-])>0.9 do $SNAPSHOT;
in which case the default prefix snap.ka will be used for naming snapshots.
If the name already exists, a counter will be appended at the end of the file to prevent
overwriting. Snapshots can be performed multiple times, for instance every 1,000 events, using the
1%mod: ([E] [mod] 1000)=0 do $SNAPSHOT "abc.ka"; repeat [true]
which results in KaSim producing a snapshot every 1000 (productive) events until the simulation
Note that instead of producing Kappa files, one may use snapshot interventions to produce an
image of the mixture in the dot/html format using the parameter by specifying the extention in
the name skeleton (%mod: [E-]/([E]+[E-])>0.9 do $SNAPSHOT "snap.dot";).
Printing values during a simulation
The effect $PRINT string_expression >string_expression enables one to output values
during a computation to:
- standard output if the second string_expression and the > are ommited,
- to the file specified by the second string_expression otherwise.
For instance:
1%mod: |A|<0 do 2 $PRINT ("Token A is: " . |A| . " at time=". [T]) > ("token_".[E].".dat"); 3 repeat [true]
will ask KaSim to output the value of token A in a file
which changes at each new productive event, each time its value gets below 0.
Add an entry in the output data
The effect $PLOTENTRY outputs a line with the current value of observables in the data file. For
example, %mod: repeat [E] [mod] 10 = 0 do $PLOTENTRY; until [false] will store the
value of observables every 10 productive events.
Chapter 3
The Kappa tools
3.1 The KaSim engine
KaSim is a stochastic simulator of rule-based models [13, 12, 14] written in Kappa. KaSim takes
one or several Kappa files as input and generates stochastic trajectories of various observables.
KaSim implements Danos et al’s implicit state simulation algorithm [10] which adapts Gillespie’s
algorithm [21, 22] to rule-based models.
A simulation event corresponds to the application of a rewriting rule, contained in the Kappa
files, to the current graph (also called a mixture). At each step, the next event is selected with
a probability which is proportional to the rate of the rule it is an event of. If there
are no events, i.e. if none of the rules apply to the current state of the system, one
has a deadlock. Note that a given rule will in general apply in many different ways;
one says it has many instances. The activity of a rule is the number of its instances
in the current mixture multiplied by its rate. The probability that the next event is
associated to a given rule is therefore proportional to the activity of the rule. Rule activities
are updated at each step (see Fig. 3.1). Importantly, the cost of a simulation event
is bounded by a constant that is independent of the size of the graph it is applied
to [10].
3.2 The KaSa static analyser
KaSa is a static analyser tool of rule-based models [13, 12, 14] written in Kappa. KaSa takes
one or several Kappa files as input and some command line options to toggle on/off some specific
static analysis. Currently, KaSa can compute the contact map and the influence map. It can
perform reachability analysis [17, 11] as well.
A graphical interface is proposed to navigate through the various options and utilities of KaSa.
The compilation of this interface requires labltk and, in particular, tk-dev.
3.3 The KaDE ODEs generator
KaDE is a tool to compile rule-based models [13, 12, 14] written in Kappa into systems of
ordinary differential equations, or equivalently into reaction networks. It also supports some
model reduction techniques, that may reduce the dimension of the ODEs (or the number of
different bio-molecular species in reaction networks).
KaDE takes one or several Kappa files and uses some command line options in order to select a
backend format, tune the semantics, and call some model reduction methods.
A graphical interface is proposed to navigate through the various options and utilities of KaDE.
The compilation of this interface requires labltk and, in particular, tk-dev.
Chapter 4
The stochastic simulator: KaSim
4.1 General usage
From a terminal window, KaSim can be invoked by typing:
- KaSim file_1 ... file_n [option]
where file_i are the input Kappa files containing the rules, initial conditions and observables
(e.g. see Chapter 2). A simulation can generate several files that are described in the present
chapter. One should really take advantage of the option -d so that these files all ends in a distinct
In any case, a log called inputs.ka is generated. This is a valid Kappa file such that KaSim
inputs.ka reruns exactly the simulation just ran outputing the exact same outputs (using the
same pseudo random numbers!). First line of this file contains an uuid that is also present in any
file output during the same run.
Tables 4.1 and 4.2 summarize all the options that can be given to the simulator.
Basically, one can specify an upper bound and a plot period either in simulated or bio-time
(arbitrary time unit), or in number of events. Note that bio-time is computed using Gillespie's
formula for time advance (see Fig. 3.1) and should not be confused with CPU-time (it is not even
4.2 Main options
Table 4.1 summarizes the main options that are accessible through the command line. Options
that expect an argument are preceded by a single dash, options that do not need any argument
start with a double dash.
Two key options are the plot period -p (how often you want a line in the data file) and the limit
-l of simulation. These quantities can expressed in simulated time (the default) or in number of
event (using -u event).
Table 4.1: Command line: main options.
Argument | Description |
-u unit | Unit of options (time/event) |
-l max | Terminates simulation after max≥0 unit |
-initial min | Starts the simulation at min unit (data outputs convienience only) |
-p x | Plot a line in the data file every x unit |
-o file | Set the name of data file to file |
| Use the extension to determine format (’.tsv’, ’.svg’ or csv else) |
-i file | Interpret file as an input file name |
| (for compatibility with KaSim<= 3 and file names starting by -) |
-d dir | Output any produced file to the directory dir |
4.3 Advanced options
Table 4.2 summarizes the advanced options that are accessible through the command
Table 4.2: Command line: advanced options.
Argument | Description |
-rescale r | Multiply each initial quantity by r |
--no-log | Do not generate a reproductability file |
-log file | Specify the name of the reproductability file |
| (default “inputs”) |
-seed n | Seeds the pseudo-random number generator n>0 |
-make-sim sim_file | Makes a simulation package out of the input KF |
-load-sim sim_file | Use simulation package sim_file as input |
--gluttony | Simulation mode that is memory intensive |
| but that speeds up simulation time |
-mode batch | Set non interactive mode (never halt waiting for an user |
| action but assume default (data loosing) answer) |
-mode interactive | Launch the toplevel just after model initialisation |
4.4 Example
The command:
- KaSim model.ka -u event -l 1000000 -p 1000 -o model.out
will generate a file model.out containing the trajectories of the observables defined in the
Kappa file model.ka. A measure will be taken every 1000 events in file model.out. The
- KaSim init.ka rules.ka obs.ka mod.ka -l 1.5 -p 0.0015
will generate a file data.csv (default name) containing 1,000 data points of a simulation of 1.5
(arbitrary) time units of the model. The input Kappa file is split into four files containing, for
instance, the initial conditions, init.ka, the rule set, rules.ka, the observables, obs.ka, and the
interventions, pert.ka (e.g. see Chapter 2).
4.5 Interactivity
Simulations are interruptible by sending a SIGINT to the simulator. (The easiest way to send a
SIGINT to a process is to press Ctrl-c in the terminal window it runs into.)
In batch mode, this stops the simulation. In other circumstances, it launches a toplevel in which
one can either type:
- $RUN (optionally followed by a pause condition) to resume simulation or
- any of the effects described in Section 2.7 to trigger it imediately.
A pause condition is a boolean expression (e.g. Section 2.7) under which the simulator will stop
and fall back in the toplevel in order to allow a new interactive session.
The option -mode interactive interrupts automatically the simulation (and launches the
toplevel) just after the initialization of the simulation.
Chapter 5
Advanced concepts
5.1 Experimental continuous examination
5.1.1 Causality analysis
In our ABC example, adding the instruction: %mod: [true] do $TRACK ’Cpp’[true]; will
ask KaSim to turn on causality analysis for the observable 'Cpp' since the beginning of the
simulation, and display the causal explanation of every new occurrence of 'Cpp', until the end of
the simulation. The explanation, that we call a causal flow, is a set of rule applications
ordered by causality and displayed as a graph using dot format. In this graph, an edge
r→ r'
between two rule applications r and r' indicates that the first rule application has used, in the
simulation, some sites that were modified by the application of the former. We show in Fig. 5.1
an example of such causal flow.
Causality analysis of the observable Cpp can be turned off at any time by using a declaration of
the form: %mod: [T]>25 do $TRACK ’Cpp’[false];
Each time KaSim detects a new occurrence of the observable that is being tracked, it will dump
its causal past as a graph using the dot format (see Fig. 5.1 above). The name of the
file in which the causal flow is stored can be set by using the %def instruction (see
Section 5.4).
Compressing causal flows.
In general, pure causal flows will contain a lot of information that modelers may
not wish to consider. Indeed in classical flows, causality (represented by an edge
between to rule applications in the graph) is purely local. Therefore a sequence
a→b→c only implies that an
instance of rule a caused
an instance of rule b
which in turn created an instance of the observable
c. However, it does
not imply that a was
"necessary" for c to occur
(for instance, c might have
been possible before a
but not after, and b would
be simply re-enabling c).
It is possible to tell KaSim to retain only events that are more strongly related to the
observable using two compression techniques (see Ref. [8] for formal details). Intuitively,
in a weakly compressed causal flow one has the additional property that if an event
is a (possibly indirect) cause of the observable, then preventing
e from
occurring would have prevented the rest of the causal flow to occur (i.e. it is not possible to
reconstruct a computation trace containing the observable with the events that remain in
the causal flow). A strongly compressed causal flow enjoys the same property with an
additional level of compression obtained by considering different instances of the same
rule to be indistinguishable. Note that, causal flow compressions may be memory and
computation demanding. For large systems it may be safer to start with weak compressions
The type of compression can be set using the %def instruction (see Section 5.4). For instance:
%def: "displayCompression" "none" "weak" "strong" will ask KaSim to output 3 versions of each
computed causal flow, with all possible degrees of compressions. Each causal flow is outputted into a file
where filename is the default name for causal flows which can be redefined using the parameter
cflowFileName, Type is the type of compression (either nothing or Strongly, or Weakly) and
n is
the identifier of the causal flow. For each compression type a summary file, named
[filename][Type]Summary.dat, is also produced. It allows to map each compressed causal flow
to the identifier of its uncompressed version (row #id), together with the production time
T and event
number E at
which the observable was produced. It also contains information about the size of the causal
Limit the number of flows
As an example, consider the computation of causal flows between
t=10 and
t=20 using
the declarations:
1%mod: [T]>10 do $TRACK ’Cpp’ [true]; 2%mod: [T]>20 do $TRACK ’Cpp’ [false];
The above declaration will ask KaSim to analyze each new occurrence of 'Cpp' in that time interval.
If n
new instances took place, then KaSim will have to compute
n causal
flows. One may want to bound the number of computed flows to a certain value, say
10. One may do so using the combination of interventions and variables given below:
1%var: ’x’ 0 2%mod: [T]>10 do ($TRACK ’Cpp’ [true] ; $UPDATE ’x’ ’Cpp’) 3%mod: [T]>20 || (’x’ > 0 && ’Cpp’ - ’x’ > 9) do $TRACK ’Cpp’ [false];
The first line is a declaration of an x
variable that is initially set to 0. Note that, the second line is a intervention that contains two
simultaneous effects, the first one triggering causality analysis and the second one updating the value
of variable x
to the current value of variable 'Cpp'. The last line stops causality analysis whenever time is greater
than 20 or when 10 new observables have been found (the difference between the current value of 'Cpp'
and x).
5.1.2 Dynamic influence network
The dynamic influence network (DIN) is a powerful observation that tracks, on the fly, the
influence that rule applications have on each others. It is dynamically generated and tracks
effective impacts (positive or negative) at every rule application. The DIN can be computed using
declarations of the form:
1%mod: [true] do $DIN "flux.dot" [true]; 2%mod: [T]>20 do $DIN "flux.dot" [false];
The result is a graph where a positive edge between rules
r and
s (in green) indicates an overall
positive contribution of r
over s. Otherwise, the
sum of r applications
increased the activity of s.
Conversely, a negative edge (in red) will indicate that
r had an overall negative
impact on the activity of s.
Note that, the importance of the influence between two rules can be observed by looking at the
label on the edges that indicate the overall activity transfer (positive or negative) between the
rules. The above declaration produces the network shown in Fig. 5.2. Note that, influence may
vary during time, therefore the time or event limit of the simulation is of importance and will
likely change the aspect of the produced map.
5.1.3 Print species of an observable
The effect $SPECIES_OFF tracks the occurrence of an observable. Each time a new instance of the
observable appears, the species in which it occured is printed in a file. For example:
1%mod:$SPECIES_OF "species.ka" A(a!1), B(a!1) [true];
prints in the file "species.ka" a new line for each new occurrence of A(a!1), B(a!1) with the
time of occurrence and the species in which it occurred.
Note that, this intervention can only be applied if the observable is a connected component.
5.2 Implicit signature
KaSim permits users in a hurry to avoid writing agent signatures explicitly using the option
--implicit-signature of the command line. The signature is then deduced using information
gathered in the KF. Note that, it is not recommended to use the DCDW convention for
introduced agents in conjunction with the --implicit-signature option unless the default
state of all sites is mentioned in the %init declarations or in the rules that create
5.3 Simulation packages
The simulation algorithm that is implemented in KaSim requires an initialization phase whose complexity is
proportional to R∗G
where R is the cardinal
of the rule set and G
is the size of the initial mixture. Thus for large systems, initialization may take a while. Whenever
a user wishes to run several simulations of the same Kappa model, it is possible to skip this
initialization phase by creating a simulation package. For instance:
- KaSim abc.ka -l n
-make-sim abc.kasim
will generate a standard simulation of the abc.ka model, but in addition, will create the
simulation package abc.kasim (.kasim extension is not mandatory). This package is a binary
file, i.e. not human readable, that can be used as input of a new simulation using the
- KaSim -load-sim abc.kasim -l k
Note that this simulation is now run for k
time units instead of n.
Importantly, simulation packages can only be given as input to the same KaSim that produced it.
As a consequence, recompiling the code, or obtaining different binaries, will cause the simulation
package to become useless.
5.4 Simulation parameters configuration
In the KF (usually in a dedicated file) one may use expressions of the form:
%def: "parameter_name" "parameter_value"
where tunable parameters are described in table 5.1 (default values are given first in the possible
values column).
Table 5.1: User defined parameters.
parameter | possible values | description |
Simulation | | |
"maxConsecutiveClash" | "2" or any integer | number of consecutive clashes |
| | before giving up |
| | square approximation |
"T0" | float | simulation starting time |
| | (outputs convienience only) |
"seed" | any positive integer | pseudo-random number |
| | generator seed |
Outputs | | |
"traceFileName" | string | outputs simulation trace |
| | in the given file |
"outputFileName" | string | data file name |
"plotPeriod" | number then optionally | interval between |
| "events" | plot lines |
Causality analysis | deprecated | please use KaStor |
"displayCompression" | any combination of | type of compression |
| "none", "strong", "weak" | |
"cflowFileName" | "cflow", any string | file name prefix for causal flows |
"dotCflows" | "no", "html" | generate causal flows in html |
| "yes", "dot" | generate causal flows in dot |
| "json" | generate causal flows in json |
Pretty printing | | |
"dumpIfDeadlocked" | "no","yes" | snapshot when simulation |
| | is stalled |
"colorDot" | "no", "yes" | use colors in dot format files |
"progressBarSymbol" | "#" or any character | symbol for the progress bar |
"progressBarSize" | "60" or any integer | length of the progress bar |
5.5 Counters
An agent can have counters, which are sites storing a positive integer. When
declaring an agent, each counter has to be assigned a min and a max value. For
instance, the agent %agent: A(x,c:1 += 4,d:0 +=2) has two counters, named
c and
d, which
range from 1
to 4, and
from 0
to 2,
Table 5.2: Agent signature with counters extends in Table ??
signature_expression | ::= | Id(sig) |
sig | ::= | Id internal_state_list, sig ∣ Id counter_test counter_modif , sig ∣𝜀 |
At initialisation, an initial value for the counter has to be specified.
In rules, all counter tests have to be in the LHS, while the counter modifications in the RHS. A
counter test can do three things: (i) check that the counter value is equal to a positive integer; (ii)
check that the counter’s value is greater than a positive integer or (iii) declare a variable,
to which the counter’s value is assigned. The variable can then be used in the rate
A counter modification increments or decrements the original counter value. In the following table,
n≤0 and
both n
and i
are integers.
Table 5.3: Counter expressions
counter_expression | ::= | Id counter_test counter_modif ∣𝜀 |
counter_test | ::= | : n ∣ :> n ∣ :> variable ∣𝜀 |
counter_modif | ::= | : i ∣𝜀 |
If the counter goes negative, the compilation stops with an error. If the counter goes up beyond
its declared maximum value, the simulation stops with an error.
Chapter 6
The KaSa static analyser
6.1 General usage
From a terminal window, KaSa can be invoked by typing the following command line:
- KaSa file_1 ... file_n [option]
where file_i are the input Kappa files containing the rules, initial conditions and observables
(see Chapter 2).
All the options are summarised as follows:
General options
--help Verbose help
-h Short help
--version Show version number
--gui GUI to select
--(no-)expert Expert mode (more options)
launch everything
launch nothing
--(no-)compute-contact-map (default: enabled)
compute the contact map
--(no-)compute-influence-map (default: enabled)
compute the influence map
--(no-)compute-ODE-flow-of-information (default: disabled)
Compute an approximation of the flow of information in the ODE
--(no-)compute-potential-cycles (default: disabled)
Compute the bonds that may be involved in polymerisation
--(no-)compute-stochastic-flow-of-information (default: disabled)
Compute an approximation of the flow of information in the stochastic
--(no-)compute-reachability-analysis (default: enabled)
Compute an approximation of the states of agent sites
--(no-)compute-symmetries (default: disabled)
Look up for pairs of symmetric sites
--(no-)compute-local-traces (default: disabled)
Compute the local traces of interesting parts of agent interfaces
--(no-)compute-separating-transitions (default: disabled)
Compute the transitions that separates strongly connected set of
-syntax V3 | V4
(default: V4)
Version of the lexer/parser
-syntax V3 | V4
(default: V4)
Version of the lexer/parser
--output-directory <value>
Default repository for outputs
--output-contact-map-directory <name> (default: output)
put the contact map file in this directory
--output-contact-map <name> (default: contact)
file name for the contact map output
--contact-map-format DOT | GEPHI
(default: DOT)
Tune the output format for the contact map
--output-influence-map-directory <name> (default: output)
put the influence map file in this directory
--output-influence-map <name> (default: influence)
file name for the influence map
--influence-map-format DOT | DIM | HTML
(default: DOT)
Tune the output format for the influence map
--output-local-traces-directory <name> (default: output)
put the files about local traces in this directory
--local-traces-format DOT | HTML
(default: DOT)
Tune the output format for the local transition systems
--output-log-directory <name> (default: output)
put the log files in this directory
Reachability analysis
--(no-)compute-reachability-analysis (default: enabled)
Compute an approximation of the states of agent sites
enable every abstract domain
disable every abstract domain
--contact-map-domain static | dynamic
(default: dynamic)
contact map domain is used to over-approximate side-effects
--(no-)views-domain (default: enabled)
enable local views analysis
--(no-)counters-domain (default: enabled)
enable counter analysis
--counters-accuracy non-relational | octagons | mi
(default: mi)
Abstract domain for counter analysis
--(no-)double-bonds-domain (default: enabled)
enable double bonds analysis
--(no-)sites-across-bonds-domain (default: enabled)
enable the analysis of the relation among the states of sites in
connected agents
--verbosity-level-for-reachability-analysis Mute | Low | Medium | High |
(default: Low)
Tune the verbosity level for the reachability analysis
--output-mode-for-reachability-analysis raw | kappa | english
(default: kappa)
post-process relation and output the result in the chosen format
Trace analysis
--(no-)compute-local-traces (default: disabled)
Compute the local traces of interesting parts of agent interfaces
--(no-)show-rule-names-in-local-traces (default: enabled)
Annotate each transition with the name of the rules in trace
--(no-)use-macrotransitions-in-local-traces (default: disabled)
Use macrotransitions to get a compact trace up to change of the
interleaving order of commuting microtransitions
--(no-)ignore-trivial-losanges (default: disabled)
Do not use macrotransitions for simplifying trivial losanges
--(no-)compute-separating-transitions (default: disabled)
Compute the transitions that separates strongly connected set of
--output-local-traces-directory <name> (default: output)
put the files about local traces in this directory
--local-traces-format DOT | HTML
(default: DOT)
Tune the output format for the local transition systems
Contact map
--(no-)compute-contact-map (default: enabled)
compute the contact map
--(no-)compute-potential-cycles (default: disabled)
Compute the bonds that may be involved in polymerisation
--output-contact-map-directory <name> (default: output)
put the contact map file in this directory
--output-contact-map <name> (default: contact)
file name for the contact map output
--contact-map-format DOT | GEPHI
(default: DOT)
Tune the output format for the contact map
--contact-map-accuracy-level Low | High
(default: Low)
Tune the accuracy level of the contact map
--polymer-detection-accuracy-level Low | High
(default: High)
Tune the accuracy level of the detection of polymers
--(no-)pure-contact (default: disabled)
show in the contact map only the sites with a binding state
Influence map
--(no-)compute-influence-map (default: enabled)
compute the influence map
--influence-map-accuracy-level Indirect | Direct | Realisable
(default: Direct)
Tune the accuracy level of the influence map
--output-influence-map-directory <name> (default: output)
put the influence map file in this directory
--output-influence-map <name> (default: influence)
file name for the influence map
--influence-map-format DOT | DIM | HTML
(default: DOT)
Tune the output format for the influence map
Flow of information
--(no-)compute-ODE-flow-of-information (default: disabled)
Compute an approximation of the flow of information in the ODE
--(no-)compute-stochastic-flow-of-information (default: disabled)
Compute an approximation of the flow of information in the stochastic
Debugging information
--output-log-directory <name> (default: output)
put the log files in this directory
--(no-)debug (default: disabled)
dump debugging information
--(no-)unsafe-mode (default: enabled)
exceptions are gathered at the end of the computation, instead of
halting it
--(no-)print-efficiency (default: disabled)
prompt CPU time and various datas
(66 options)
Order in options matters, since they can be used to toggle on/off some functionalities or to
assign a value to some environment variables. The options are interpreted from left to
More options are available in the OCaml file KaSa_rep/config/config.ml and can be tuned
before compilation.
6.2 Graphical interface
6.2.1 Launching the interface
The graphical interface can be launched by typing the following command line:
without any option.
6.2.2 The areas of interest
There are five different areas of importance in the graphical interface:
- On the top left of the window, a button allows for the selection between the Normal
and the Expert mode (other modes may be available if activated at compilation). In
expert mode, more options are available in the graphical interface.
- On the top center/right, some button allows for the selection of the tab. There are
currently six sub-tabs available: Actions, Syntax, Output, Reachability analysis,
Trace analysis, Contact map, Influence map.
- In the center, the options of the selected sub-tab are displayed and can be tuned.
Contextual help is provided when the mouse is hovered over an element.
The interface will store the options that are checked or filled and the order in which
they have been selected. When launched, the analysis interprets these options in the
order they have been entered.
Some options appear in several sub-tabs. They denote the same option and share the
same value.
- File selector: The file selector can be used to upload as many Kappa files as desired.
The button ’Clear’ can be used to reset the selection of files.
- Bottom: Some buttons are available. The button ’Quit’ can be used to leave the
interface. The button ’Reset to default’ tunes all the options to their default value.
The button ’Import options’ can be used to restore the value of the options as saved
during a previous session of the graphical interfaces. The button ’Save options’ can
be used to save the value of the options for a further session. The button ’Launch
analyze’ launches KaSa with the current options.
Importantly, options are saved automatically under various occasions. Thus, it is
possible to restore the value of the options before the last reset, before the last quit,
or before the last analysis.
6.2.3 The sub-tab Actions
The sub-tab Actions (see Fig. 6.1) contains the main actions which can be performed.
The following options are available:
- The button --do-all activates all the functionalities.
- The button --reset-all inactivates all the functionalities.
- The option --compute-contact-map can be used to (des)activate the computation of
the contact map.
- The option --compute-influence-map can be used to (des)activate the computation
of the influence map.
- The option --compute-potential-cycles can be used to (des)activate the
computation of the potential polymers.
- The option --compute-reachability-analysis can be used to (des)activate the
computation of the reachability analysis.
- The option --compute-symmetries can be used to (des)activate the computation
of pairs of equivalent sites. Equivalent sites may be used to reduce the number of
variables in the system of ordinary differential equations that is associated to a Kappa
model (e.g. see Sect. 7.3.2).
- The option --compute-local-traces can be used to (des)activate the computation
of the trace analysis.
- The option --compute-separating-transitions can be used to (des)activate the
computation of the transitions that are non weakly reversible. These are the
transitions between two configurations of an agent, that are impossible to revert (even
in several computation steps).
Lastly, a switch allows to select the version for Kappa syntax for the input file, among version
3, V3, and
version 4,
6.2.4 The sub-tab Syntax
The sub-tab Syntax (see Fig. 6.2) contains the switch to select between the version 3, V3, and the
version 4, V4, of Kappa syntax.
6.2.5 The sub-tab Output
The sub-tab Ouput (see Fig. 6.3) contains the names of the output files and their format.
The following options are available:
- The field --output-directory can be used to set the repository where output file
are written. KaSa will create this repository, if it does not exist.
- The field --output-contact-map-directory can be used to set the repository where
the output file for the contact map is written, if a contact map is requested. KaSa will
create this repository, if it does not exist.
- The field --output-contact-map contains the name of the file for the contact map. If
the file name does not end by it, the proper extension will be added to the file name.
- The field --output-influence-map-directory can be used to set the repository
where the output file for the influence map is written, if an influence map is requested.
KaSa will create this repository, if it does not exist.
- The field --output-influence-map contains the name of the file for the influence
map. If the file name does not end by it, the proper extension will be added to the
file name.
- The format for the influence map can be chosen among DOT, DIM, and HTML thanks
to the option --influence-map-format. In format DIM, the output of the influence
map is a json file containing the support of the dynamic influence map that has been
introduced in Sect. 5.1.2.
- The field --output-local-traces-directory can be used to set the repository where
the output file for the result of trace analysis is written, if this analysis is requested.
KaSa will create this repository, if it does not exist.
- The format for the local traces can be chosen among DOT and HTML thanks to the
option --local-traces-format.
When a file already exists, it is overwritten without any warning.
6.3 Reachability analysis
Reachability analysis aimed at detecting statically properties about the bio-molecular species that
may be formed in a model. Knowing whether, or not, a given bio-molecular species may be
formed in a model is an undecidable problem [24]. Thus, our analysis is approximate. Indeed, it
computes an over-approximation of the set of the bio-molecular species that can be reached from
the initial state of the model, by applying an unbounded number of computation steps. As
formalized in [11, 20], the abstraction consists in:
- firstly, ignoring the number of occurrences of bio-molecular species (we assume that
whenever a bio-molecular species may be formed, then it may be formed as many
time as it could be necessary),
- secondly, abstracting a bio-molecular species by the set of its properties.
The analysis takes into account also the chemical species that may be introduced in a
The classes of properties of interest are encoded in so called abstract domains, which can be
independently enabled/disabled. The whole analysis can be understood as a mutual recursion
between smaller analyses (one per abstract domain), that communicate information between each
other at each step of the analysis. We took the same scheme of collaboration between abstract
domains as in [6].
As an example, we consider the following model:
1%agent: E(x) 2%agent: R(x,c,cr,n) 3 4%init: 1 E() 5%init: 1 R() 6 7’E.R’ E(x[.]),R(x[.]) -> E(x[1]),R(x[1]) @1 8’E/R’ E(x[1]),R(x[1],c[.]) -> E(x[.]),R(x[.],c[.]) @1 9’R.R’ R(x[_],c[.]),R(x[_],c[.]) -> R(x[_],c[1]),R(x[_],c[1]) @1 10’R/R’ R(c[1],cr[.],n[.]),R(c[1],cr[.],n[.]) -> R(c[.],cr[.],n[.]),R(c[.],cr[.],n[.]) @1 11’R.int’ R(c[1],cr[.],n[.]),R(c[1],cr[.],n[.]) -> R(c[1],cr[2],n[.]),R(c[1],cr[.],n[2]) @1 12’R/int’ R(cr[1]),R(n[1]) -> R(cr[.]),R(n[.]) @1 13’obs’ R(x[.],c[.],cr[_],n[_]) -> R(x[.],c[.],cr[.],n[.]) @1
Typing the following command line:
KaSa reachability.ka --reset-all --compute-reachability-analysis
will perform the reachability analysis on the model reachability.ka.
We obtain the following result:
Kappa Static Analyzer (v4.1-14-g897fd18) (without Tk
Analysis launched at 2021/05/07 13:01:44 (GMT+0) on
Parsing ../kappa/reachability.ka...
Reachability analysis...
* There are some non applyable rules
rule obs (File "../kappa/reachability.ka", line 13,
characters 6-59:) will never be applied.
every agent may occur in the model
* Non relational properties:
E(x) => [ E(x[.]) v E(x[x.R]) ]
R(c) => [ R(c[.]) v R(c[c.R]) ]
R(cr) => [ R(cr[.]) v R(cr[n.R]) ]
R(n) => [ R(n[.]) v R(n[cr.R]) ]
R(x) => [ R(x[.]) v R(x[x.E]) ]
* Relational properties:
R() =>
v R(c[c.R],cr[n.R],n[.],x[x.E])
v R(c[c.R],cr[.],n[.],x[x.E])
v R(c[c.R],cr[.],n[cr.R],x[x.E])
v R(c[.],cr[.],n[.],x[.])
* Properties in connected agents
R(c[1]),R(c[1]) =>
v R(c[1],cr[.]),R(c[1],cr[.])
v R(c[1],cr[.]),R(c[1],cr[n.R])
R(c[1]),R(c[1]) =>
v R(c[1],n[.]),R(c[1],n[.])
v R(c[1],n[.]),R(c[1],n[cr.R])
* Properties of pairs of bonds
R(c[c.R],cr[n.R]) => R(c[1],cr[2]),R(c[1],n[2])
R(c[c.R],n[cr.R]) => R(c[1],n[2]),R(c[1],cr[2])
* Properties of counters
execution finished without any exception
This result is displayed in the standard output, and it is made of six parts.
The first two parts provide an enumeration of dead rules and dead agents. The next parts display
what we call refinement lemmas. A refinement lemma is made of a precondition (on
the left of the implication symbol) that is a site graph, and a postcondition (on the
right of the implication symbol) that is a list of site graphs. Each site graph in the
post-condition is a refinement of the precondition (the position of agent matters: the
n-th agent in the precondition
corresponds to the n-th
agent in each site graph in the postcondition, but site graphs in a postcondition may have more
agents than the site graph in the corresponding precondition). The meaning of a refinement
lemma is that every embedding between its precondition into a reachable state can be
refined/extended into an embedding from one site graph in its postcondition into the same
reachable state. This way, a refinement lemma provides an enumeration of all the potential
contexts for the precondition.
We now detail the seven different parts:
- Detection of dead rules. A rule is called dead, if there is no trace starting from the
initial state in which this rule is applied. The analysis reports the list of the rules it
has detected to be dead. Due to the over-approximation, it may happen that a dead
rule is not discovered by the analysis. Yet, every rule that is reported as dead, is dead
In our example, we notice that the rule ‘obs’ can never be trigered.
- Detection of dead agents. An agent is called dead, if there is no trace starting from
the initial state with at least one state in which this agent occurs. The analysis reports
the list of the agents it has detected to be dead. Due to the over-approximation, it
may happen that a dead agent is not discovered by the analysis. Yet, every agent that
is reported as dead, is dead indeed.
In our example, there are no dead agent.
- Non-relational properties. The analysis detects for each kind of site, the set
of states this site can take. Due to the over-approximation, the analysis reports a
super-set of the set of the potential states. Yet, we are sure that a given site only take
states within this set.
In our example, the site cr of R may be free, or bound to the site n of an agent R.
- Relational properties. The analysis detects some relationships among the states
of packs of sites within each agent, hence capturing potential valuations for local
views [17, 11]. Due to the over-approximation of the analysis, the analysis may fail
in discovering a relationship. But each relationship that is found by the analysis is
In our example, the states of the sites c, cr, n, and x of R are entangled with a relational
property (othewise, we would have 52
elements in the post-condition).
- Properties in connected agents. When two agents are connected, there may be a
relation among the states of theirs respective sites. This abstraction [20] collects for
each kind of bonds, the relation between the state of one site in the first agent and
the state of one site in the second agent. Due to the over-approximation, the analysis
reports a super-set of the set of the potential pairs of states.
This abstraction aimed at capturing information about protein transportation. It is
quite common to model the location of a protein as the internal state of a fictitious
site. With such an encoding, it might be important to ensure that two connected
proteins are always located in the same location. This abstraction focuses on this kind
of properties.
- Properties of pairs of bonds.
It might be interesting to know whether a protein can be bound to another protein
twice simultaneously, and whether a protein can be bound to two instances of a same
protein simultaneously. This abstraction [20] captures this kind of constraint. It can
be used to prove that some proteins do not polymerize.
In our example, when a R has its sites cr and c bound, they are necessarily bound to
the same instance of R. The same statement holds for the sites cr and n.
- Properties of counters.
KaSa is inferring the range of counters.
There are no counter in our previous example. Let us consider the following one:
1%agent:A(x1{u p},x2{u p q},x3{u p},c{=0},d{=0}) 2%agent: B(x) 3 4A(x1{u}) -> A(x1{p},c{+=3},d{+=2}) @1 5A(x1{p}) -> A(x1{u},c{-=3},d{-=1}) @1 6A(x2{u}) -> A(x2{p},c{+=2},d{+=1}) @1 7A(x2{p}) -> A(x2{u},c{-=2},d{-=2}) @1 8A(x2{p}) -> A(x2{q},c{+=1}) @1 9A(x2{q}) -> A(x2{p},c{-=1}) @1 10A(x3{u}) -> A(x3{p},c{+=3}) @1 11A(x3{p}) -> A(x3{u},c{-=3}) @1 12A(x1[.]),B(x[.]) -> A(x1[1],c{+=1}),B(x[1]) @1 13A(x1[1]),B(x[1]) -> A(x1[.],c{-=1}),B(x[.]) @1 14A(x2[.]),B(x[.]) -> A(x2[1],c{+=1}),B(x[1]) @1 15A(x2[1]),B(x[1]) -> A(x2[.],c{-=1}),B(x[.]) @1 16A(x3[.]),B(x[.]) -> A(x3[1],c{+=1}),B(x[1]) @1 17A(x3[1]),B(x[1]) -> A(x3[.],c{-=1}),B(x[.]) @1 18 19%init:10 A() 20%init: 10 B()
Typing the following command line:
KaSa reachability.ka --reset-all --compute-reachability-analysis
we get in the section ‘Properties of counters’ of the output what is
prompted in Fig. 6.11. KaSa has inferred that the counter c is ranging from
0 to
12 .
There is no information on counter d since its value has no lower bound and no upper
By default, KaSa is using a relational numerical analysis based on a product between
interval analysis [5] and affine relationship analysis [23]. The product is approximate. It
used a decision procedure described in [16].
Other abstractions for counters are available for pedagogical purpose. For instance, the
following command line:
KaSa reachability.ka --reset-all --compute-reachability-analysis
--counters-accuract octagon
will provide no property for counters (e.g. see Fig. 6.12). KaSa has failed in bounding the
range of the counter c
Now we describe the options that are available on this sub-tab.
The option --compute-reachability-analysis can be used to switch on/off then reachability
The option --enable-every-domain can be used to switch on every abstract domain,
whereas the option --disable-every-domain can be used to switch off every abstract
The option --contact-map-domain impacts the way side-effects are handled with during the
analysis. In static mode, we consider that every bond that occurs syntactically in the initial
state, in the RHS of a rule, or in an introduction directive of a intervention, may be released by
side-effects. In dynamic mode, only the bond that has been encountered so far during the analysis
are considered.
The option --views-domain can be used to switch on/off the views domains that combine the
non-relational analysis and the relational analysis.
The option --counters-domain can be used to switch on/off the analysis of the potential range
of counters.
The option --counter-accuracy can be used to select the abstraction for the potential range of
counters. The domain mi consists in an approximate reduced product between interval analysis [5]
and affine relationships [23]. The reduction between these two domains, is obtained by applying
the decision procedure that is described in [16]. The domain octagons infer a range for each
variable, each sum and each difference among two variables. Although both domains have the
same complexity, the product between intervals and affine constraints is more appropriate in
the case of counters, since usually the state of more than two variables have to be
The option --double-bonds-domain can be used to switch on/off the analysis of potential double
bonds between proteins.
The option --site-across-bonds-domain can be used to switch on/off the analysis of the
relations among the states of the sites in connected proteins.
It is possible to get more details about the computation of the analysis by tuning the verbosity
level of the view analysis:
- With the option --verbosity-level-for-reachability-analysis Mute, nothing is
displayed. Even the result of the analysis is omitted (eg. see Fig. 6.5).
- With the option --verbosity-level-for-reachability-analysis Low, only the
result of the analysis is displayed (by default).
- With the option --verbosity-level-for-reachability-analysis Medium, the
analysis also describes which rules are applied and in which order.
When trying to apply a rule, the analysis may detect that the rule cannot be applied
yet because the precondition is not satisfied at the current state of the iteration
(eg. see Fig. 6.6). Otherwise, the analysis can apply the rule and update the state of
the iteration accordingly (eg. see Fig. 6.7).
- With the option --verbosity-level-for-reachability-analysis High, the
analysis also describes which patterns are discovered.
In particular, at the beginning of the iteration, the analysis prompts the patterns
of interest that occur in the initial state (eg. see Fig. 6.8). Then, each time a rule
is applied successfully, the analysis shows which new patterns have been discovered
(eg. see Fig. 6.9).
- When new patterns are discovered, then, it is necessary to apply again any rule that
may operate over these patterns. With the following option:
--verbosity-level-for-reachability-analysis Full,
the analysis also describes which rules are awaken by the discovery of a new pattern
(see Fig. 6.10).
The option --output-mode-for-reachability-analysis can be used to tune the
output of the analysis. The default mode is kappa. In mode raw, patterns of interest are
displayed extensionally. In mode english, properties of interest are explained in English.
The option --use-natural-language can be used to switch on/off the translation of
properties in natural language: when the option is disabled, each relationship is described in
6.4 Local traces
Trace analysis is a refinement of reachability analysis that additionaly explains how one agent can
go from a given view to another one, following a path that we call a local trace. Thus the set of
the local traces for a given agent can be described as a transition system among the views for a
given agent: in this transition system, the nodes are local views; introduction arrows correspond
to either initial states, or creation rules; transitions denote a potential conformation change
of an agent, from one local views to another one, due to the application of a given
We consider the following example:
1%agent: P(a1{u,p},a2{u,p},b1{u,p},b2{u,p},g) 2%agent: K(x) 3 4%init: 1 P() 5%init: 1 K() 6 7’a1+’ P(a1{u}) -> P(a1{p}) @1 8’b1+’ P(a1{p},b1{u}) -> P(a1{p},b1{p}) @1 9’a1-’ P(a1{p},b1{u}) -> P(a1{u},b1{u}) @1 10’b1-’ P(b1{p},g[.]) -> P(b1{u},g) @1 11’a2+’ P(a2{u}) -> P(a2{p}) @1 12’a2-’ P(a2{p},g) -> P(a2{u},g) @1 13’b2+’ P(a2{p},b2{u}) -> P(a2{p},b2{p}) @1 14’b2-’ P(b2{p},g) -> P(b2{u},g) @1 15’P.K’ P(a1{p},a2{p},b1{p},b2{p},g[.]),K(x[.]) -> P(a1{p},a2{p},b1{p},b2{p},g[1]),K(x[1]) @1 16’P/K’ P(a1{p},a2{p},b1{p},b2{p},g[1]),K(x[1]) -> P(a1{p},a2{p},b1{p},b2{p},g),K(x[.]) @1
Typing the following command line:
KaSa protein2x2.ka --reset-all --compute-local-traces
will perform the trace analysis on the model protein2x2.ka, and produce two dot format files
Agent_trace_K_x^.dot and Agent_trace.P.a1_.a2_.b1_.b2_.g^.dot. The output
repository can be changed thanks to the command line options --output-directory and
--output-local-trace-directory. Moreover, file names are made of the prefix Agent_trace,
followed by the kind of protein and the list of the sites of interest (the symbol ‘^’ denotes a
binding state, and the symbol ‘_’ an internal state).
The transition system that describes the local traces for the agents of kind
P is descrided in
Figure 6.14. We notice that the nodes of this transition system are labelled with the states of the sites of
P. The internal state
of a site x is denoted
as x{u} (meaning that
the site x has state
u, whereas the binding
state of a site x is
denoted as x[.], when
the site is free, and as x[x.K]
when the site x is bound
to the site x of a given
agent of kind K.
We notice that the transition system that is given in Fig. 6.14 contains too many nodes. We can
coarse-grain this transition system thanks to the following option:
Typing the following command line:
KaSa protein2x2.ka --reset-all --compute-local-traces
will perform the trace analysis on the model protein2x2.ka, and produce two dot format files
Agent_trace_K_x^.dot and Agent_trace.P.a1_.a2_.b1_.b2_.g^.dot. The name of the output
repository can be changed thanks to the command line options --output-directory and
--output-local-trace-directory. This time, the files describe a coarse-graining of the
corresponding transition systems.
For instance, the coarse-grained transition system for the local traces of the proteins of kind
P is given in
Figure 6.15. This coarse-grained transition system is a compact implicit encoding of the transition
system in Figure 6.14. It is obtained by exploiting the fact that locally, the behavior of the pair of
states a1 and
b1 is independent from the
behavior of the pair of states a2
and b2,
until these four sites are phosphorylated, so that the site
g can
get bound.
More formally, in that transition system, some states are microstates (in a
microstate, the state of each site is documented); some others are macrostates: (in
a macrostate, the states of only a subset of site is documented). Thus a macrostate
can be seen intensionally as a part of a local view, but also extensionnaly as the set
of the local views they are a subpart of. A microstate
v can be described by any sequence
(v♯i) of macrostates providing
that the intersection ⋂γ(v♯i) of the
extensional denotation γ(v♯i) of these
macrostates v♯i is equal to the
singleton {v}; moreover a transition
between two microstates v
and v′
can be described by any transition between one macro state
v♯ and another one
v′♯, provided that there exists
a sequence of macrostate (v♯i)
such that the sequence (v♯,(v♯i))
denotes the microstate v
and the sequence (v′♯,(v♯i)) denotes
the microstate v′.
Such coarse-grained transition system can be geometrically interpreted as a simplicial complex
As a microstate could be decomposed into several sequences of macrostates (including the trivial
sequence containing only the microstate itself), the system may jump spontaneously (by using a
transition) from one representation to another representation. This corresponds to the
intersection between several simplexes in the corresponding simplificial complex.
Although the semantics of a coarse-grainged transition system is fully defined by its labelled
transitions, it is useful to annotate the graph by some information about the relation between the
denotation of each macrostate. By default, we use hypertlinks to relate each macrostate
(including each microstate) to the set of its immediate subparts
v′. In such a
hyperlink, v
is connected via a dotted arrow, whereas each immediate subpart is connected via a dashed
More options are available in expert mode, but they are not documented yet.
6.5 Contact map
The contact map of a model is an object that may help modelers checking the consistency of the
rule set they use. The contact map is statically computed and does not depend on kinetic rates,
nor the concentration of the bio-molecular species in initial state.
Typing the following command line:
KaSa abc.ka –reset-all –compute-contact-map
will produce a dot format file named contact.dot. The name of the output file and the
directory can be changed thanks to the command line options --output-contact-map and
--output-directory. The directory is assumed to exist. The file will be overwritten if it exists.
All the options related to the computation of the contact map can be accessed on the sub-tab
Contact map of the graphical interface (see Fig. 6.16).
The contact map summarises the different types of agent, their interface and the potential
bindings between sites. It is an over approximation, thus if the contact map indicates a potential
bond, it does not mean that it is always possible to reach a state in which two sites of these
kinds are bound, but if the contact map indicates no bond between two sites, it means
that it is NOT possible to reach a state in which two sites of these kinds are bound
The contact map for the abc.ka model defined in Chapter 1.3 is given in
Figure 6.17. On this map, we notice that there are three kinds of agent, namely
B, and
C. Agents of
kind A have
two sites x
and c,
that bear no internal state (they appear in yellow only), agents of kind
B have one
site x,
that bears no internal state (they appear in yellow only), and agents of kind
C have two
sites x1
and x2
with both a binding state and an internal state (they appear both in yellow and in green). We
notice that when a site can bear both an internal state and a binding state, they are considered as
two different sites in the contact map. Additionally, the contact map indicates that sites
x of the agents of kind
A can be bound to the
site x of an agent of
kind B and that sites
c of the agents of
kind A can be bound
to the agents of kind C
either on the site x1, or
on the site x2.
There exist two accuracy levels for the contact map. At low level of accuracy, the inference of the
contact map is purely syntactic. The contact map summarizes the bonds that may occur in the
right hand side of rules and in the initial bio-molecular species. At high level of accuracy, the rules
that are detected dead by the reachability analysis are not taken into account. Hence, only the
bonds that may occur in the initial bio-molecular species, and in the rules that have not been
proven dead by the static analysis are reported. As a matter of fact, the accuracy of the
computation of the contact map at high level of resolution depends on the parameterization of the
reachability analysis.
Let us illustrate this on a simple example. The file contact.ka has the following content:
1%agent: A(x{c,n},z) 2 3A(x{c}[.]) <-> A(x{n}[.]) @ 1,1 4A(x{c}[.]),A(x{c}[.]) -> A(x{c}[1]),A(x{c}[1]) @1 5A(x{n}[.]),A(x{n}[.]) -> A(x{n}[1]),A(x{n}[1]) @1 6A(x{c}[1]),A(x{c}[1]) <-> A(x{n}[1]),A(x{n}[1]) @1,1 7A(z[.]),A(x{c}[1],z[.]),A(x{n}[1]) -> A(z[2]),A(x{n}[1],z[2]),A(x{n}[1]) @1,1 8 9%init: 10 A()
Firstly we compute the low resolution contact map by using the following instruction:
KaSa contact.ka --reset-all --compute-contact-map \
--contact-map-accuracy-level Low
We obtain the contact map that is drawed in Fig. 6.18. We notice that the analysis reports a potential bond between
the sites x of any two agents
of type A and a potential
bond between the sites z
of any two agents of type A.
This is because such bonds occur in the right hand side of some rules of the model.
Yet, bonds between two sites z
occur only in the last rule which turns out to be dead. Let us use the high resolution contact map
to check this property. We use the following instruction:
KaSa contact.ka --reset-all --compute-contact-map \
--contact-map-accuracy-level High
We obtain the contact map that is drawed in Fig. 6.19. We notice that the potential bond between
sites z of
agents A
has disappeared: the result of the analysis has been refined thanks to the constraints infered by
the reachability analysis.
The proof that, the last rule of the model in the file contact.ka is dead relies on the abstract
domain, that captures the potential relationships between states of sites in the pairs of agents,
that are connected by a bond. Let us compute the high resolution contact map without this
abstract domain:
KaSa contact.ka --reset-all --compute-contact-map \
--contact-map-accuracy-level High --no-sites-across-bonds-domain
We obtain the contact map that is given in Fig. 6.20. The analysis has failed in proving that the
last rule of the model is dead. As a matter of fact, the potential bond between sites
z of
agents A
has not disappeared.
The contact map may be refined with information about polymers. When the commmand
line option –compute-potential-cycles is used, KaSa computes a superset of the
bonds the number of occurences of which may not be uniformly bounded in paths
within bio-molecular species. These bonds are then displayed in red in the contact
The computation of this subset is based on Tarjan’s algorithm for the decomposition of a graph in
strongly connected components [25]. For this, we consider the graph of the potential succesion of
bonds in bio-molecular species. The nodes of this graph are the oriented version of the potential
bonds in the contact map (each potential bond is considered twice). Then there is an
edge between two oriented bonds if the target of the first bond and the source of the
second bond have the same agent type but different site names. Hence each edge is
associated with a graph that is obtained by merging the graph associated to the source and
the target of this edge, that is to say that each edge is associated with a graph made
of three agents and two bonds (e.g. see Fig. 6.21). We can notice that every path
that may be repeated in bio-molecular species necessarily forms a cycle in this graph.
The computation of all the elementary cycles in graph may be exponentially costly.
Instead, we compute the strongly connected components which can be done in linear time
(with respect to the sum among the number of nodes and the number of edges in the
graph). The computation of the strongly connected components is enough, since an
edge belongs to a cycle if and only if it belongs to a non trivial strongly connected
The file scc_abc.ka has the following content:
1 2%agent: A(x,y) 3%agent: B(x,y) 4%agent: C(x,y) 5 6A(x[.]),B(y[.]) -> A(x[1]),B(y[1]) @ 1 7B(x[.]),C(y[.]) -> B(x[1]),C(y[1]) @ 1 8C(x[.]),A(y[.]) -> C(x[1]),A(y[1]) @ 1 9 10%init: 10 A() 11%init: 10 B() 12%init: 10 C()
In this example, arbitrary long chains and arbitrary long rings of agents may be formed (the site
x of each
A is either free or
bound to the site y
of a B; the site
x of each
B is either free or
bound to the site y
of a C; and the
site x of each
C is either free or
bound to the site y
of a A).
The graph that is associated to this model is given in Fig. 6.21.
Typing the following command line:
KaSa scc_abc.ka --reset-all --compute-potential-cycles
will generate the contact map that is given Fig. 6.22
The accuracy of the detection of polymers may be tuned in two ways. Firstly, it is parameterized
of the accuracy of the contact map. Secondly, it may be refined by the reachability analysis in
order to discard the couple of bonds that cannot be present successively in reachable
bio-molecular compounds.
The file scc_relations.ka contains the following model:
1%agent: A(x,y) 2%agent: B(x,y) 3 4A(x[.],y[.]),B(y[.]) -> A(x[.],y[1]),B(y[1]) @1 5A(x[.],y[.]),B(x[.]) -> A(x[1],y[.]),B(x[1]) @1 6 7%init: 10 A() 8%init: 10 B()
In this model, the sites x
and y of a given
instance of the agent A
cannot be bound simultaneously. This prevents the formation of polymers.
By default, the detection of polymers is using the result of the reachability analysis. Thus, the
following instruction:
KaSa --reset-all --compute-potential-cycles scc_relations.ka
produces the contact map that is drawed in Fig. 6.23. By default, the detection of
polymers has used the result of the reachability analysis: since the bonds on the site
x and
y of each instance
of the agent A
are mutually exclusive, no polymer may be formed.
The refinement by the result of the reachability analysis can be disable by using the following
KaSa --reset-all --compute-potential-cycles \
--polymer-detection-accuracy-level Low scc_relations.ka
In this case, KaSa produces the contact map that is given in Fig. 6.24.
The analysis does know that the bonds of the sites of each agent of type
A are
mutually exclusive. The bonds are drawed in red to warn about the potential formation of
polymers of the model (this is a false alarm).
The detection of polymer at high resolution also depends on the accuracy of the reachability
analysis. The file scc_dimer.ka contains the following model:
1%agent: R(x,y,z) 2 3R(x[.]),R(x[.]) -> R(x[1]),R(x[1]) @1 4R(x[1],y[.],z[.]),R(x[1],y[.],z[.]) -> R(x[1],y[2],z[.]),R(x[1],y[.],z[2]) @1 5 6%init: 10 R()
In this model, two agents of type R
may connect their sites x
together. Then, two agents connected via their sites
x may establish an asymetric
bond between the site y of
the first one and the site z
of the second one. As a consequence, whenever an agent of type
R has
several sites bound, these sites are necessarily bound to the same instance of the agent
R. Thus,
there can be no polymer.
At low resolution, the detection of polymer fails in exploiting this property, and warns about
potential polymers. Indeed, the following instruction:
KaSa --reset-all --compute-potential-cycles scc_dimer.ka \
--polymer-detection-accuracy-level Low
produces the contact map that is drawed in Fig. 6.25.
At high level of resolution, the analysis for the detection of potential polymers successfully prove
the lack of polymers. The following instruction:
KaSa --reset-all --compute-potential-cycles scc_dimer.ka
produces the contact map that is given in Fig. 6.26. The analysis has successfully proven the lack
of polymers (no bond is colored in red).
In order to illustrate that the accuracy of the analysis relies in this example on the capability for
the analysis to exploit properties of double bonds. We disable the double bond domain. The
following instruction:
KaSa --reset-all --compute-potential-cycles scc_dimer.ka \
produces the contact map that is given in Fig. 6.27. Without the capability to express and prove that whenever
an agent of type R
is bound twice, it is necessarily bound twice to the same agent instance. The analysis fails in
proving the absence of polymer. Thus, it warns about potential polymers, by drawing the edges in
6.6 Influence map
The influence map of a model is an object that may help modelers checking the consistency of the
rule set they use.
Typing the following command line:
KaSa abc.ka –reset-all –compute-influence-map
will produce a dot format file named influence.dot. The name of the output file and the
directory can be changed thanks to the command line options --output-influence-map and
--output-directory. The directory is assumed to exist. The file will be overwritten if it exists.
All the options related to the computation of the influence map can be accessed on the sub-tab
Influence map of the graphical interface (see Fig. 6.28). Two formats are available for the
output: influence map can be generated in DOT or HTML format. The format can be choosen
thanks to the command line option --influence-map-format.
Unlike the dynamic influence network, the influence map is statically computed and does not depend
on kinetic rates nor the quantities in initial conditions. It describes how rules may potentially
influence each other during a simulation. KaSa will produce a dot format file containing the influence
relation over all rules and observables of the model. The produced graph visualised using a circular
is given in Figure 6.29. Observables are represented as circular nodes and rules as rectangular
nodes. The labels of the nodes are either the label of the rule or of the observable (if
available), otherwise they are made of a unique identifier allocated by KaSa followed
by the Kappa definition of the rule/observable. Edges are decorated with the list of
embeddings (separated by a semi-colon) allowing the identification of agents in both rules’
right hand sides/left hand sides. More precisely, for positive influences, the notation
[i→j] denotes a pair of embeddings
from the agent number i
of the origin's right hand side and from the agent number
j of the target's left hand
side and the notation [i⋆→j]
denotes a pair of embeddings from an agent attached to the agent number
i of the
origin's left hand side, which have been freed by side effect and from the agent number
of the target's left hand side; for negative influences, the notation
[i→j] denotes a pair of embeddings
from the agent number i
of the origin's left hand side and from the agent number
j of the target's left hand
side and the notation [i⋆→j]
denotes a pair of embeddings from an agent attached to the agent number
i of the
origin's left hand side, which have been freed by side effect and from the agent number
j of the
target's left hand side; Observables have no influence, but they can be influenced by rules, if the
rule can increase or decrease their value.
More formally, consider the rules r:L→R
and s:L′→R′.
One wishes to know whether it is possible that the application of rule
r over a graph
G creates a new instance
of rule s (which is
called a positive influence and that is described by green arrows in the influence map), or destroy a previous
instance of rule s
(which is called negative influence and that is described by red arrows in the influence map). In
Fig. 6.30, we illustrate the construction of positive influences due to overlap of the left hand side
of a rule and the right hand side of another rule on some sites that are modified by the former
The current implementation has the following limitations:
- Currently, only observables that are defined as patterns are taken into account.
- Not atomic observables which are defined as algebraic expressions are not taken into
account yet. The observables are ignored.
- The influence map does not take into account indirect influences due to interventions
(which could arises when the application of a rule triggers a intervention which would
create some agents or increase/decrease the value of some variables).
- Token are not taken into yet. They are currently ignored.
- Positive/negative influence of time is not taken into account either.
Lastly, KaSa computes an over-approximation of the influence map. They may show an influence
despite the fact that there can be no actual one. But if it shows no influence it means that either
there are NO such influence, or that we are in a case that is not covered yet as itemised
Three levels of precision are available: Low, Medium, and High. The level of precision can be
changed thanks to the command line option --influence-map-accuracy-level.
At low precision, an influence is detected if one rule change at least one bit of information (the
internal state of a site, the binding state of a site), in favor/defavor of the application of another
rule. This abstraction level ignores completely the context of application of rules, and just focuses
on modifications.
At medium precision, the analysis checks that both rules have a common context.
At high precision, the analysis checks that such common context is realizable taking into account
the species that have been declared as initial states and the potential introduction of species in
interventions. High resolution influence is parameterized by the accuracy of the reachability
analysis. It may happen that a given context is infeasible, but that this is not detected by the
Let us illustrate these three levels of accuracy by a case study.
We consider the following model.
1 %agent: A(w~u~p,x~u~p,y~u~p,z~u~p) 2 3 A(x~u) -> A(x~p) @1 4 A(x~p,y~u) -> A(x~p,y~p) @1 5 A(y~p,z~u) -> A(y~p,z~p) @1 6 A(x~u,z~p,w~u) -> A(x~u,z~p,w~p) @1 7 A(x~u,z~u) -> A(x~u,z~p) @1 8 A(x~p,w~p) -> A(x~p,w~u) @1 9 10 %init: 10 A()
The low resolution influence map is given in Fig. 6.31. There is a positive arc (in green) from a
rule to another one whenever the application of the former pushes at least one bit of information
towards the application of the later; whereas there is a negative arc (in red) from a rule to
another one whenever the former pulls at least one bit of information away from the application
of the later.
The medium resolution influence map is given in Fig. 6.32. Every arc corresponding to
incompatible contexts has been removed. In our example, these are the arcs from the rule
3 and the rule
5 (in both direction). Despite
the fact that the rule 3
may phosphorylate the site w which is required to apply the rule
5, no instance
of the rule 5
may be applied thanks to the application of the rule
3 right after, because after
the application of the rule 3
the state of the site x
is necessarily unphosphorylated, whereas it has to be phosphorylated for the rule
to be applied. The same kind of explanation holds to remove the arc from the rule
5 to the rule
There are some structural invariants in these models. We give in Fig. 6.34 the
log of the computation of the high resolution contact map. It turns out that
whenever the site y of an agent is phosphorylated, then the site x of this protein is
phosphorylated as well. Thus we can deduce that the positive arc from the rules
2 and
3, and the negative
arcs from the rules 2
and 4
(in both direction) are false positive unless we change the set of the species in the initial state
or in the interventions. Thus we obtain the high resolution influence map given in
Fig. 6.33.
Chapter 7
The KaDE ODEs generator
7.1 General usage
From a terminal window, KaDE can be invoked by typing the following command
- KaDE file_1 ... file_n [option]
where file_i are the input Kappa files containing the rules, initial conditions and observables
(see Chapter 2).
All the options are summarised as follows:
General options
--help Verbose help
-h Short help
--version Show version number
--gui GUI to select
--(no-)expert Expert mode (more options)
Data set
-(no-)initial <float> (default: 0.000000)
Min time of simulation (arbitrary time unit)
-(no-)l <float> (default: 1.000000)
Limit of the simulation
-(no-)p <float> (default: 0.010000)
plot period: time interval between points in plot (default: 1.0)
-d <name> (default: .)
Specifies directory name where output file(s) should be stored
--output <value>
Prefix for file name output
--(no-)output-plot <name> (default data.csv)
file name for data output
--ode-backend dotnet | maple | mathematica | matlab | octave | sbml
(default: octave)
Select the backend format
-mode batch | interactive
(default: interactive)
either "batch" to never ask anything to the user or "interactive" to
ask something before doing anything
--(no-)constant-propagation (default: disabled)
propagate constants
--csv-separator <name> (default: )
separator symbol in CSV files
--(no-)show-reactions (default: enabled)
Annotate ODEs by the corresponding chemical reactions
--(no-)smash-reactions (default: disabled)
Gather identical reactions in the ODEs
-d <name> (default: .)
Specifies directory name where output file(s) should be stored
--output <value>
Prefix for file name output
--(no-)output-plot <name> (default data.csv)
file name for data output
--rule-rate-convention KaSim | Divide_by_nbr_of_autos_in_lhs | Biochemist
(default: Divide_by_nbr_of_autos_in_lhs)
convention for dividing constant rates (for rules)
--reaction-rate-convention KaSim | Divide_by_nbr_of_autos_in_lhs |
(default: Divide_by_nbr_of_autos_in_lhs)
convention for dividing constant rates (for reactions)
--count Embeddings | Occurrences
(default: Embeddings)
tune whether we count in embeddings or in occurrences
--(no-)truncate <int> (default: disabled)
truncate the network by discarding species with size greater than the
--with-symmetries None | Backward | Forward
(default: None)
Tune which kind of bisimulation is used to reduce the set of species
-syntax 3 | v3 | V3 | 4 | v4 | V4
(default: 4)
Use explicit notation for free site
-d <name> (default: .)
Specifies directory name where output file(s) should be stored
--output <value>
Prefix for file name output
Integration settings
-(no-)initial <float> (default: 0.000000)
Min time of simulation (arbitrary time unit)
-(no-)l <float> (default: 1.000000)
Limit of the simulation
--(no-)output-plot <name> (default data.csv)
file name for data output
--(no-)smash-reactions (default: disabled)
Gather identical reactions in the ODEs
-(no-)p <float> (default: 0.010000)
plot period: time interval between points in plot (default: 1.0)
--(no-)compute-jacobian (default: enabled)
Enable/disable the computation of the Jacobian of the ODEs
available yet)
--(no-)nonnegative (default: disabled)
Enable/disable the correction of negative concentrations in stiff ODE
--initial-step <float> (default 0.000010)
Initial integration step
--max-step <float> (default 0.020000)
Maximum integration step
--relative-tolerance <float> (default 0.001000)
tolerance to relative rounding errors
--absolute-tolerance <float> (default 0.001000)
tolerance to absolute rounding errors
-d <name> (default: .)
Specifies directory name where output file(s) should be stored
--output <value>
Prefix for file name output
Model reduction
--with-symmetries None | Backward | Forward
(default: None)
Tune which kind of bisimulation is used to reduce the set of species
--(no-)show-symmetries (default: disabled)
Display the equivalence relations over the sites
-d <name> (default: .)
Specifies directory name where output file(s) should be stored
--output <value>
Prefix for file name output
Static analysis
--(no-)views-domain (default: enabled)
Enable/disable views analysis when detecting symmetric sites
--(no-)double-bonds-domain (default: enabled)
Enable/disable double bonds analysis when detecting symmetric sites
--(no-)site-across-bonds-domain (default: enabled)
Enable/disable the analysis of the relation amond the states of sites
in connected agents
-d <name> (default: .)
Specifies directory name where output file(s) should be stored
--output <value>
Prefix for file name output
Debug mode
--(no-)show-time-advance (default: disabled)
Display time advance during numerical integration
--(no-)debug (default: disabled)
Enable debug mode
--(no-)print-efficiency (default: disabled)
prompt CPU time and various datas
--(no-)backtrace (default: disabled)
Backtracing exceptions
--(no-)gluttony (default: disabled)
Lower gc activity for a faster but memory intensive simulation
-mode batch | interactive
(default: interactive)
either "batch" to never ask anything to the user or "interactive" to
ask something before doing anything
-d <name> (default: .)
Specifies directory name where output file(s) should be stored
--output <value>
Prefix for file name output
(79 options)
Orders in option matter, since they can be used to toggle on/off some functionalities or to
assign a value to some environment variables. The options are interpreted from left to
7.2 Graphical interface
7.2.1 Launching the interface
The graphical interface can be launched by typing the following command line:
without any option.
7.2.2 The areas of interest
There are five different areas of importance in the graphical interface:
- On the top left of the window, a button allows for the selection between the Normal
and the Expert mode (other modes may be available if activated at compilation). In
expert mode, more options are available in the graphical interface.
- On the top center/right, some button allows for the selection of the tab. There
are currently seven sub-tabs available: Data set, Output, Semantics, Integration
settings, Model reduction, Static analysis, Debug mode. The last two tabs are
availanle only in expert mode (which can be selected on the top-left of the window).
- Center: The options of the selected sub-tab are displayed and can be tuned.
Contextual help is provided when the mouse is hovered over an element. The interface
will store the options that are checked or filled and the order in which they have been
selected. When launched, the analysis interprets these options in the order they have
been entered. Some options appear in several sub-tabs. They denote the same option
and share the same value.
- File selector: The file selector can be used to upload as many Kappa files as desired.
The button ’Clear’ can be used to reset the selection of files.
- Bottom: Some buttons are available. The button ’Quit’ can be used to leave the
interface. The button ’Reset to default’ tunes all the options to their default value.
The button ’Import options’ can be used to restore the value of the options as saved
during a previous session of the graphical interfaces. The button ’Save options’ can
be used to save the value of the options for a further session. The button ’Launch
analyze’ launch KaDE with the current options.
Importantly, options are saved automatically under various occasions. Thus, it is
possible to restore the value of the options before the last reset, before the last quit,
or before the last analysis.
Two fields define the repository and the name of the output:
- The field -d sets the repository where output file are written. KaDE will create this
repository, if it does not exist.
- The field --output sets the name of the output file. The following extension will
be added automatically according to the choice of the backend format: ".net" in
DOTNET format, ".mws" in Maple, ".nb" in Mathematica, ".m" in Matlab and
Octave, and ".xml" in SBML. When the output file already exists, KaDE will ask
for confirmation before overwritting it, unless the tool is set in batch mode (e.g. see
Sect. 7.2.6).
Both fields may be modified from every sub-tab.
7.2.3 The sub-tab Data set
The sub-tab Data set (see Fig. 7.1) contains the options to tune the time range for the
numerical integration and the frequency of sample plots. These fields are used only in Maple,
Mathematica, Matlab, and Octave backend formats. They are ignored in SBML and DOTNET
backend formats.
The following options are available:
- The field --initial defines the starting date of the simulation.
- The field -l defines the final date of the simulation.
- The field -p defines the time interval between consecutive plots.
7.2.4 The sub-tab Output
The sub-tab Output (see Fig. 7.2) contains the names of the output files and their
The following options are available:
- The field --ode-backend allows for the choice among the different backend formats
among DOTNET, Maple, Mathematica, Matlab, Octave and SBML.
- The field --output-plot sets the name of the file where the plots will be dumped
when it applies. Only the Maple, Mathematica, Matlab and Octave dump plots. The
option is ignored in the other backend formats.
- The option --(no)-constant-propagation switches on/off constant propagation.
- The option --(no)-show-reactions annotates each expression in the output file,
with the Kappa rule and the reaction that have generated this contribution.
- The option --(no)-smash-reactions identifies multiple occurrences of a same
reaction in the reaction network, and sums up their contribution into a single reaction.
7.2.5 The sub-tab Integration settings
The sub-tab Integration settings (see Fig. 7.3) contains the parameters to guide the
numerical integration engine. Except the option --smash-reaction, these options are ignored in
the SBML and the DOTNET backend format.
The following options are available:
- The option --compute-jacobian switches on the computation of the Jacobian of the
system of ordinary differential equations. The Jacobian is computed symbolically. It
speeds up the numerical integration. The computation of the Jacobian is implemented
only in two backend formats: Matlab and Octave. Other formats will ignore this
- The option --non-negative can be used to force concentration to have a non negative
value during numerical integration. The computation of the Jacobian is implemented
only in two backend formats: Matlab and Octave. Other formats will ignore this
- The field --initial-step tunes the initial integration step. This field is used only
in Maple, Mathematica, Matlab, and Octave backend formats. It is ignored in SBML
and DOTNET backend formats.
- The field --max-step tunes the maximal size of integration steps. This field is used
only in Maple, Mathematica, Matlab, and Octave backend formats. It is ignored in
SBML and DOTNET backend formats.
- The field --relative-tolerance defines the relative numerical error tolerance in
integration engines. This means that numerical errors cannot go beyond a bound that
is proportional to the concentration of the bio-molecular species. This field sets the
value of the proportionality coefficient. This field is used only in Maple, Mathematica,
Matlab, and Octave backend formats. It is ignored in SBML and DOTNET backend
- The field --absolute-tolerance defines the absolute numerical error tolerance in
integration engines. This means that numerical errors cannot go beyond the value of
that field. This field is used only in Maple, Mathematica, Matlab, and Octave backend
formats. It is ignored in SBML and DOTNET backend formats.
- The field --output-plot defined the csv file where the values of the sample plots
will be printed. This field is used only in Maple, Mathematica, Matlab, and Octave
backend formats. It is ignored in SBML and DOTNET backend formats.
- The option --smash-reaction gathers isomorphic reactions before generating the
network or the system of ordinary differential equations (while summing their rates).
This option is used in every backend format.
- The field --initial defines the starting date of the simulation. This field is used only
in Maple, Mathematica, Matlab, and Octave backend formats. It is ignored in SBML
and DOTNET backend formats.
- The field -l defines the final date of the simulation. This field is used only in Maple,
Mathematica, Matlab, and Octave backend formats. It is ignored in SBML and
DOTNET backend formats.
- The field -p defines the time interval between two plots. This field is used only in
Maple, Mathematica, Matlab, and Octave backend formats. It is ignored in SBML
and DOTNET backend formats.
7.2.6 The sub-tab Debug
In expert mode, the last sub-tab provides options to tune the amount of debugging information
that is displayed.
The following options are available:
- The option --(no)-show-time-advance includes some instructions in the output file,
so as to track the progress during numerical integration in the Maple, Mathematica,
Matlab, and Octave backend. This option is ignored in the other backend format.
- The field --(no)-print-efficiency provides some information about the CPU time
that has been used to generate the set of reactions and about the size of the initial
and reduced models.
- The option --(no)-backtrace provides more/less information about internal
- The option --(no)-glutonny tunes the parameters of the garbage collector.
- The field -mode allows for the choice among batch and interactive mode. In interactive
mode, KaDE always asks permission to overwrite files. In batch mode, KaDE may
overwrite output files, without permission.
7.3 Differential semantics
7.3.1 From rules to reactions
In Kappa, rules may be more and less refined [7, 9], according to their preconditions.
Consider the following two rules:
1’bind’ K(r),S(l) -> K(r!1),S(l!1) @k 2’phos’ K(r!1),S(l!1,r~u) -> K(r!1),S(l!1,r~p) @kp
The first rule (e.g. see Fig. 7.5) stipulates that proteins of type K and proteins of
type S may bind via their respective right and left sites. The second rule (e.g. see
Fig. 7.6) stipulates that a protein S bound to a protein K may be activated (on its right
It is worth noticing that the first rule may be applied in two different contexts, according to
whether or not the right site of the protein on the right is already phosphorylated, or not. It
follows the refinement that is depicted in Fig. 7.7.
In general, each rule may be refined into a (potentially infinite) multi-set of
reactions over fully specified site-graphs. Each connected component in a reaction
denotes an instance of a bio-molecular species. For every bio-molecular species
S, a reaction
gives the following contribution to the derivative of the concentration of
d[S]dt+=∑rγ(r)⋅[r,R]⋅Δ(R,S)⋅[R1]⋅…⋅[Rm] |
- [r,R]
is the number of different ways to induce the reaction R
from the rule r;
- γ(r)
is the corrected rate of the rule r
(a fraction of the rate of the rule r
is taken according to a choice among three conventions defining how automorphisms
are taken into account);
- and Δ(R,S)
is the difference between the number of occurrences of the species S
in the sequence P1,…,Pn
and the one in the sequence R1,…,Rm.
This defines the ODE semantics of Kappa models.
7.3.2 Semantics convention
Rate constant conventions
The options in the sub-tab Semantics allow for the choice among several possibilities for the
meaning of the ODEs variables and for the meaning of the rate constants.
KaDE corrects the rate constant of each according to a convention about the number of
automorphisms in this rule. KaDE offers the choice among three conventions:
- with the convention KaSim, there is no correction, as it is done in the simulator;
- with the convention Divide_by_the_number_of_autos_in_lhs, each rate constant is
divided by the number of automorphisms in the lhs of the rule, as it was done in
previous version of the simulator;
- with the convention Biochemist, each rate constant is divided by the number of the
automorphisms in the lhs, that also induces an automorphism over the agents that
are preserved in the rhs of the rule (more formally, an automorphism in the lhs of a
rule is taken into account only if its restriction to the part that is common to the lhs
and the rhs of the rule, can be extended to an automorphism of the rhs of the rule).
In particular, only automorphisms that map degraded proteins, if any, to degraded
proteins, are considered. Indeed this convention account for the automorphisms of the
left hand side of rules which identifies the agents that cannot be ditinguished from a
mechanistic point of view.
Consider the following rule:
1A(u,r~u),A(u,r~u),A(u,r~u),A(u,r~u) -> A(u!1,r~u),A(u!1,r~u),A(u,r~u),A(u,r~p) @ ’k’
which is depicted as follows:
with the first convention (that is the one of the simulator), rates of rules are not corrected, hence the effective
rate of this rule is k;
with the second one, rates are divided by the number of automorphisms in the left hand side of rules
(here 4! that
is to say 24);
the third convention accounts only for the permutations among the agents that are undistinguishable
from a mechanistic point of view: rates are divided by the number of automorphisms in the
left hand side of rules that also induce automorphisms of the right hand side (here
Ambiguous molecularity
The differential semantics is defined as the limit of the stochastic semantics when the temperature
diverges toward the infinity. Thus a rate constant stands indeed for a function mapping the
temperature to an effective rate constant the expression of which depends on the arity of the
reaction. Even if the unary rate and the binary rate of a rule may be equal for a given
temperature, it is never the case at all temperatures. Another insight is that rate constants for a
unary reaction and rate constants for a binary reaction are not expressed in the same physical
To account for this, KaDE never applies a binary rule in a unary context, unless two rate
constants have been provided explicitly.
Let us give an example. We consider the agent type A with two binding sites x and y. We assume
that two sites x (in different As) may be bound pair-wise and that two sites y (in different As) may
be bound pair-wise. Both following rules:
1A(x),A(x) -> A(x!1),A(x!1) @ 1 2A(x),A(x) -> A(x!1),A(x!1) @ 1{0}
will behave the same: they both apply to the following mixture
but not to the following one:
So as to allow the rule to form a bond within the two agents of the dimer, the following rule:
1A(x),A(x) -> A(x!1),A(x!1) @ 1{1}
shall be used instead.
This way, when a rule is given with one rate constant only, the connected components in its left
hand side have to be refined into pair-wisely disjoint bio-molecular species. When a rule is binary
and when it is given with two rate constants, it may be apply in a unary context (which consists
in embedding its left hand side into a single bio-molecular species) with the second rate constant,
or in a binary context (which consists in embedding each connected component in its left hand
side into two disjoint bio-molecular species (which may be two isomorphic copies of the same
Embeddings VS occurrences
In a Kappa file, a pattern may denote two different quantities. At initialisation, a pattern denotes
an occurence of a bio-molecular species. In an algebraic expression (which includes functional
rates, stoichiometric coefficients for tokens, observables), a pattern denotes a number of
embeddings from this pattern to a mixture.
Formally, we define the number (resp. the concentration) of embeddings from a pattern to a
mixture (resp. to a concentration function) as the sum, for each bio-molecular species, of the
number of occurrences (resp. concentration) of that bio-molecular species and the number of
occurrences of the pattern in that bio-molecular species. We also define the number (resp. the
concentration) of occurrences of a pattern in a mixture (resp. in a concentration function) as the
quotient between the number (resp. the concentration) of embeddings from this pattern to a
mixture (resp. to a concentration function) and the number of automorphisms in this
To illustrate this, we assume that the file occ.ka contains the following code:
We use the following command line to get the value of the observable:
- KaSim occ.ka -l 1 -p 0.5 -o occ.csv
The file csv contains the following data set:
We notice that KaSim indicates 20
for the quantities of dimers. This accounts for the fact that each dimer satisfies two
The command-line option --count [Embeddings | Occurrences] changes the meaning of the
variables that occur in the differential equations. The choice has no impact on the quantities that
are plot. Introduced bio-molecular species are always introduced in concentration of occurrences,
and patterns in algebraic expressions always denote concentration of embeddings. It
just changes the meaning of the variables that are used internally in the differential
In case of polymerisation, the size of the bio-molecular species is potentially unbounded and there
may be an infinite amount of differential equations (this is the case even if there is no agent
synthesis, since the initial state is given in concentration, and not in occurrence number). In such
a case, KaDE will not terminate. Yet it is possible to truncate the system of ordinary differential
equations: the command-line option --truncate specifies an upper bound to the number of
agents in the bio-molecular species. Each reaction that would involve a larger bio-molecular
species is discarded.
For instance, we can consider the model poly.ka that is defined as follows:
1 %agent: A(l,r) 2 %init: 10 A() 3 A(r), A(l) -> A(r!1),A(l!1) @ 1
The command line:
will not terminate, wheareas the following one:
- KaDe poly.ka –truncate 10
Equivalent sites
In BNGL, the interface of a given agent may include several occurrence of a given site name.
These sites have exactly the same capabilities of interaction. This feature provides a convenient
syntactic construction to describe models even more compactly, at the cost of having to deal with
more complex structures (detecting embeddings between such site-graphs may be very
In Kappa, the interface of every agent is made of pair-wisely distinct site names. Yet it may
happen that some sites have exactly the same capabilities of interaction. KaDE can infer
this property and use it to derive a more compact system of differential equations
[3, 4, 18].
Consider the following model:
1%agent: A(x,y) 2%init: 10 A() 3 4A(x,y),A(x,y) -> A(x!1,y),A(x!1,y) @1 5A(x,y),A(x,y) -> A(x,y!1),A(x,y!1) @1 6A(x,y),A(x,y) -> A(x!1,y),A(x,y!1) @2
The rules are depicted in Fig. 7.10. We notice that each rule may be obtained from one another
by swapping the sites in agents. So we say that sites are equivalent in this set of rules. Equivalent
sites may be used to induce forward and backward bisimulations [2, 19, 3, 4, 18] over the
stochastic and the differential semantics of Kappa.
Let us consider two site names x and y in the signature of an agent type A. A set of rules is
symmetric with respect to x and y, if for every two rules that may be obtained one
from the other one by permuting the sites x and y in some agents of type A, their
corrected rates is inversely proportional to their number of automorphisms. In our
example, the set of rules is symmetric with respect to x and y only with the convention
in which constant rates are kept as they are given, without any corrective factor. A
valuation from bio-molecular species to real numbers is symmetric with respect to x
and y, if for every two bio-molecular species that can be obtained one from the other
one by permuting the sites x and y in some agents of type A, the image of the two
bio-molecular species by the valuation is inversely proportional to their number of
automorphisms. Lastly an expression over bio-molecular species is symmetric with
respect to x and y, if and only if it takes the same values for every two symmetric
If the set of rules and the initial state of the model are symmetric with respect to two sites,
ignoring the difference among these two sites in bio-molecular species induces a backward
bisimulation (that is to say, the state of the system remains symmetric at every time [1]). If the
set of rules and every algebraic expression that occurs in rates or stoichiometric coefficients are
symmetric, then ignoring the difference between these two sites in bio-molecular species induces a
forward bisimulation (we can define the ODEs directly over the equivalence-classes of
bio-molecular species [1]).
The following option is available:
- The command line option --with-symmetries [ None | Backward | Forward ]
sets which kind of bisimulation is used to reduce the system of ordinary differential
7.3.3 The sub-tab Model reduction
The sub-tab Model reduction gives access to more information about potential model reduction.
The following options are available:
- The option --show-symmetries itemizes the sites that are equivalent with respect to
the rules of the models, with respect to the rules of the model and the initial state
(backward bisimulation), and with respect to the rules of the models and the algebraic
expressions (forward bisimulation).
- The command line option --with-symmetries [ None | Backward | Forward ]
sets which kind of bisimulation is used to reduce the system of ordinary differential
The sub-tab Static analysis (Expert)
The inference of equivalent sites is more precise when dead rules are discarded. Dead rules can be
computed thanks to KaSa. The sub-tab Static analysis allows the end-user to switch on/switch
off abstract domains in order to tune the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency of static
The following options are available:
- The option --(no-)views-domain can be used to switch on/off the views domains.
- The option --(no-)double-bonds-domain can be used to switch on/off the analysis
of potential double bonds between proteins.
- The option --(no-)site-across-bonds-domain can be used to switch on/off the
analysis of the relations among the states of the sites in connected proteins.
7.4 Tutorial
Now we explain further how to use KaDE to deal with the example of Sect. 7.3.2. The model is
described in the following Kappa file:
The rules of this models are depicted as follows:
We denote as γ1,
γ2, and
γ3 the
corrected rate constants of these rules. With the third convention, which roughly speaking
consists in dividing rates per the number of automorphisms in the left hand side of rules, that are
preserved in the right hand side, we have:
Indeed, in the third rule, the mechanism makes a difference among the two agents.
The non trivial automorphism in the left hand side is not preserved in the right hand
Rules 1 and
2 have two automorphisms,
whereas rule 3
has only one. As a consequence, the rules are symmetric with respect to both sites if and only
2⋅k12=2⋅k22=k3, that is to
say k1=k2=k3.
We use the following command line to generate the ODE semantics in Octave:
- KaDe –rate-convention Biochemist sym.ka
By default, equivalent sites are not analysed and the Octave backend is used.
The result is dumped in the file ’ode.m’, which is editable. Moreover, each instruction is
annotated with some information referring to the Kappa file. Variables are annotated by the
corresponding name in the Kappa file. Initial species are annotated by Kappa expressions
describing the corresponding bio-molecular species.
Integration parameters are defined as follows:
- grep -n -m 1 ’tinit=’ ode.m –after-context 8
The variable nodevar gives the number of variables:
- grep -n -m 1 ’nodevar=’ ode.m
The function ode_init defines the list of variables and their initial concentration:
- grep -n -m 1 ’function Init’ ode.m –after-context 11
We notice that four variables encode the concentration of bio-molecular species and a special one
accounts for time advance.
The function dydt defines the differential equations:
- grep -n -m 1 ’function dydt’ ode.m –after-context 38
The function obs defines the observables:
- grep -n -m 1 ’function obs’ ode.m –after-context 12
The function jac provides the Jacobian (we omit it).
We now wonder whether the sites are equivalent or not. We use the following command
- KaDE –rate-convention Biochemist sym.ka –show-symmetries
The status of equivalent sites is described in the log:
The set of rules and the initial state are symmetric with respect to the pair of sites.
This is not the case of the observable. Thus, only backward bisimulation may be used
to reduce the system. Indeed, if we ignore the difference between sites x and y, we
can no longer express the concentration of asymmetric dimers. This excludes forward
bisimulation. Backward bisimulations may still be used since the concentration of each species
can be computed by from the overall concentration of its equivalence class, since the
concentration of two equivalent species are always inversely proportional to their number of
The command line:
- KaDe –rate-convention Biochemist sym.ka –with-symmetries Forward
–output ode_with_fwd_sym –output-plot data_fwd.csv
gives the same model, without any reduction.
The command line:
- KaDe –rate-convention Biochemist sym.ka –with-symmetries Backward
–output ode_with_bwd_sym –output-plot data_bwd.csv
reduces the system by ignoring the difference between sites x and y. This is done by replacing in
each reaction product, every species by an arbitrary representative of its equivalence
class, and in each algebraic expression, each species concentration by the product of
its the concentration of its representative times the relative weight of this species in
its equivalence class (which is constant and inversely proportional to its number of
We notice that there are only 3
variables remaining:
- grep -n -m 1 ’%% variables’ ode_with_bwd_sym.m
- grep -n -m 1 ’function Init’ ode_with_bwd_sym.m –after-context 9
one for time advance, one for free As, and one for dimers (no matter which sites are bound). KaDE
has gathered the three kinds of dimers into a single equivalence class (no matter with sites are
bound). For instance, in the following:
- grep –after-context 6 -n -m 1 ’rule : A(x,y), A(x,y) -> A(x!1,y),
A(x,y!1)’ ode_with_bwd_sym.m
the production of an asymmetric dimer, is replaced with the production of a dimer in which the
bond is on both sites y.
Now we explain how the values of the obervavles are computed. The code for the function obs is
the following one:
- grep -n -m 1 ’function obs’ ode_with_bwd_sym.m –after-context 12
We are interested in asymmetric dimers only. We notice that their
concentration is obtained by dividing the overall quantity of dimers by
4. To
understand why, we shall have a closer look at the meaning of each variable. As indicated
- grep -n -m 1 ’%% variables’ ode_with_bwd_sym.m
the convention is to count in number of embeddings. Thus the total number of dimers is
Then half of them only is an asymmetric dimer, which gives
Let us check the soundness of our tools, by integrating our three ODEs systems.
Firsly we define the file plot.gplot as follows:
set xlabel ’Asymmetric␣dimer␣concentration’ set ylabel ’CPU␣time␣(s.)’ set datafile separator ’,’ set title ’Initial␣model’ set term png set output ’plot.png’ set xrange [0:1] set yrange [0.0:40.] set output ’plot.png’ plot ’data.csv’ using 1:2 w l
the file plot_fwd.gplot as follows:
set xlabel ’Asymmetric␣dimer␣concentration’ set ylabel ’CPU␣time␣(s.)’ set datafile separator ’,’ set title ’reduced␣model␣(fwd)’ set term png set output ’plot_fwd.png’ set xrange [0:1] set yrange [0.0:40.] set output ’plot_fwd.png’ plot ’data_fwd.csv’ using 1:2 w l
and the file plot_bwd.gplot as follows:
set xlabel ’Asymmetric␣dimer␣concentration’ set ylabel ’CPU␣time␣(s.)’ set datafile separator ’,’ set term png set title ’Reduced␣model␣(bwd)’ set output ’plot_bwd.png’ set xrange [0:1] set yrange [0.0:40.] set output ’plot_bwd.png’ plot ’data.csv’ using 1:2 w l
Then we can integrate our three differential systems and plot their respective solutions thanks to
the following command lines:
- octave ode.m
- octave ode_with_fwd_sym.m
- octave ode_with_bwd_sym.m
- gnuplot plot.gplot
- gnuplot plot_fwd.gplot
- gnuplot plot_bwd.gplot
We obtain the following plots:
Chapter 8
Frequently asked questions
Simulation hangs after a while
If the progress bar seems stalled, it does not necessarily mean that the simulation is blocked. In
particular when a simulation is triggered with a time limit (-l option of the command
line) it might only indicate that the bio clock is stalled while computation events still
occur. Recall that the average (bio) time one has to wait in order to apply a rule is
1∕A, where
A is the
sum of all the rule activities (which is equal to the number of instances that a rule has, times its
kinetic rate). Whenever the number of occurrences of a rule grows too fast (if new agents are
created during the simulation for instance), or if the kinetic rate of a rule is defined by a function
that grows rapidly, the average time increment might tend to 0 and if it remains so for a
while, it will block the progress bar whose advance is proportional to the bio time
In order to make sure that KaSim is not incorrectly blocked you may wish to plot the
event clock against time clock using the observable %obs: 'events' [E] or run the
simulation using an event limit (-e option of the command line) instead of a time
What do null events mean, why do I have any?
Using null events is a way for KaSim to compensate for some over approximation it is doing, in
order to deal with large simulations more efficiently. They usually do not impact significantly the
performances of the simulator, unless the model contains rules using the special notation to deal
with ambiguous molecularity (see Section 2.5.4). With pure Kappa rules, the ratio
r of null
event over productive ones (that you can track using the observable %obs: 'r' [E-]/[E]) should
tend to 0 when models have a lot of agents.
No data points are generated
Make sure you have %obs or %plot instructions in your KF. Also make sure to use a reasonable
value for the -p option in the command line to tell KaSim how often you wish to have points on
your curves.
Too many instances of an observable
The value of a Kappa expression E
is equal to the number of embeddings it has in the current mixture
M. Embeddings are
maps from agents in E
to agents in M. If
E has symmetries then
every permutation of E
will be counted as a new embedding. For instance let
E=A(x[1]),A(x[1]) and let
KaSim will count two instances of E
in M: the one mapping
the first A of E to the
first A of M and the one
mapping the first A of E to
the second A of M.
Value nan in the data file at the end of the simulation
The value nan means "Not a Number". It is generated when a plotted variable is infinite. Make
sure this variable is not divided by zero at some point.
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activity, 24, 31, 39
agent signature, 18
agent signature, 9, 14, 18, 23, 25
algebraic expression, 24
algebraic expression, 15, 17, 20, 26, 28
bi-directional rule, 17
boolean expression, 26
causal flow, 37, 38
causality, 37
chemical notation, 17
comments, 11
data file, 15
data file, 15, 114
declaration, 9, 11, 15, 17, 23, 25, 28, 29, 37, 39, 41
default state, 18
DIN, 39
don’t care don’t write, 18, 25
don’t care don’t write, 13, 18
dynamic influence network, 39
edit rules, 19
effect, 26, 27
embedding, 114
event, 16, 31
graph, 31
hybrid rules, 23
initial condition, 11, 24
internal state, 14
intervention, 11
Kappa file, 27
Kappa file, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 24, 34, 41, 42, 114
kinetic rate, 15, 20
deterministic rate constant, 20
stochastic rate constant, 20
left hand side, 17
link type, 14
mixture, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, 41, 114
null event, 16, 113
rate, 31
right hand side, 17
rule, 11, 17
semi-link, 13
side effect, 18
signature, 9
simulation package, 41
strong compression, 38
the contact map, 31
the influence map, 31
variable, 11, 15, 24
weak compression, 38