Source code for regraph.backends.neo4j.hierarchies

"""Neo4j-based persisent graph hierarchies.

This module implements data structures that allow working with persistent
graph hierarchies stored in an instance of the Neo4j database:

* `Neo4jHierarchy` -- class for persistent graph hierarchies.
* `TypedNeo4jGraph` -- class for schema-aware property graph.
import os
import json
import warnings

from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase
from neo4j.exceptions import ConstraintError

from regraph.rules import Rule
from regraph.backends.networkx.graphs import NXGraph
from regraph.exceptions import (HierarchyError,
from regraph.hierarchies import Hierarchy
from regraph.backends.neo4j.graphs import Neo4jGraph
from .cypher_utils.generic import (constraint_query,
from .cypher_utils.propagation import (set_intergraph_edge,
from .cypher_utils.rewriting import (add_edge,
from regraph.utils import (normalize_attrs,

[docs]class Neo4jHierarchy(Hierarchy): """ Class for persistent hierarchies. Attributes ---------- """ # Implementation of abstract methods
[docs] def graphs(self, data=False): """Return a list of graphs in the hierarchy.""" query = get_nodes(node_label=self._graph_label, data=data) result = self.execute(query) graphs = [] for d in result: if data: normalize_attrs(d["attrs"]) del d["attrs"]["id"] graphs.append((d["node_id"], d["attrs"])) else: graphs.append(d["node_id"]) return graphs
[docs] def typings(self, data=False): """Return a list of graph typing edges in the hierarchy.""" query = get_edges( self._graph_label, self._graph_label, self._typing_label, data=data) result = self.execute(query) typings = [] for d in result: if data: normalize_attrs(d["attrs"]) typings.append((d["source_id"], d["target_id"], d["attrs"])) else: typings.append((d["source_id"], d["target_id"])) return typings
[docs] def relations(self, data=False): """Return a list of relations.""" query = get_edges( self._graph_label, self._graph_label, self._relation_label, data=data) result = self.execute(query) relations = [] for d in result: if data: normalize_attrs(d["attrs"]) relations.append((d["source_id"], d["target_id"], d["attrs"])) else: relations.append((d["source_id"], d["target_id"])) return relations
[docs] def successors(self, node_id): """Return the set of successors.""" query = successors_query(var_name='g', node_id=node_id, node_label=self._graph_label, edge_label=self._typing_label) succ = self.execute(query).value() if succ[0] is None: succ = [] return succ
[docs] def predecessors(self, node_id): """Return the set of predecessors.""" query = predecessors_query(var_name='g', node_id=node_id, node_label=self._graph_label, edge_label=self._typing_label) preds = self.execute(query).value() if preds[0] is None: preds = [] return preds
[docs] def get_graph(self, graph_id): """Get a graph object associated to the node 'graph_id'.""" return self._access_graph(graph_id)
[docs] def get_typing(self, source_id, target_id): """Get a typing dict associated to the edge 'source_id->target_id'.""" query = get_typing(source_id, target_id, "typing") result = self.execute(query) typing = {} source_nodes = self.get_graph(source_id).nodes() target_nodes = self.get_graph(target_id).nodes() for record in result: node_id = record["node"] if node_id not in source_nodes: try: node_id = int(node_id) except: pass type_id = record["type"] if type_id not in target_nodes: try: type_id = int(type_id) except: pass typing[node_id] = type_id return typing
[docs] def get_relation(self, left_id, right_id): """Get a relation dict associated to the rel 'left_id->target_id'.""" query = get_relation(left_id, right_id, "relation") result = self.execute(query) relation = {} for record in result: if record["node"] in relation.keys(): relation[record["node"]].add(record["type"]) else: relation[record["node"]] = {record["type"]} return relation
[docs] def get_graph_attrs(self, graph_id): """Get attributes of a graph in the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- graph_id : hashable Id of the graph """ query = get_node_attrs( graph_id, self._graph_label, "attributes") result = self.execute(query) return properties_to_attributes( result, "attributes")
[docs] def set_graph_attrs(self, graph_id, attrs, update=False): """Set attributes of a graph in the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- graph_id : hashable Id of the graph """ skeleton = self._access_graph(self._graph_label) skeleton.set_node_attrs(graph_id, attrs, update)
[docs] def get_typing_attrs(self, source_id, target_id): """Get attributes of a typing in the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- source : hashable Id of the source graph target : hashable Id of the target graph """ query = get_edge_attrs( source_id, target_id, self._typing_label, "attributes") result = self.execute(query) return properties_to_attributes(result, "attributes")
[docs] def set_typing_attrs(self, source, target, attrs): """Set attributes of a typing in the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- source : hashable Id of the source graph target : hashable Id of the target graph """ skeleton = self._access_graph(self._graph_label, self._typing_label) skeleton.set_edge_attrs(source, target, attrs)
[docs] def get_relation_attrs(self, left_id, right_id): """Get attributes of a reltion in the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- left : hashable Id of the left graph right : hashable Id of the right graph """ query = get_edge_attrs( left_id, right_id, self._relation_label, "attributes") result = self.execute(query) return properties_to_attributes(result, "attributes")
[docs] def set_relation_attrs(self, left, right, attrs): """Set attributes of a relation in the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- left : hashable Id of the left graph right : hashable Id of the right graph """ skeleton = self._access_graph(self._graph_label, self._relation_label) skeleton.set_edge_attrs(left, right, attrs)
[docs] def set_node_relation(self, left_graph, right_graph, left_node, right_node): """Set relation for a particular node. Parameters ---------- """ query = set_intergraph_edge( left_graph, right_graph, left_node, right_node, "relation") self.execute(query)
[docs] def add_graph(self, graph_id, graph, attrs=None): """Add a new graph to the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- graph_id : hashable Id of a new node in the hierarchy graph : regraph.Graph Graph object corresponding to the new node of the hierarchy graph_attrs : dict, optional Dictionary containing attributes of the new node """ self.add_graph_from_data( graph_id, graph.nodes(data=True), graph.edges(data=True), attrs)
[docs] def add_graph_from_data(self, graph_id, node_list, edge_list, attrs=None): """Add a new graph to the hierarchy from the input node/edge lists. Parameters ---------- graph_id : hashable Id of a new node in the hierarchy node_list : iterable List of nodes (with attributes) edge_list : iterable List of edges (with attributes) graph_attrs : dict, optional Dictionary containing attributes of the new node """ try: # Create a node in the hierarchy query = "CREATE ({}:{} {{ id : '{}' }}) \n".format( 'new_graph', self._graph_label, graph_id) if attrs is not None: normalize_attrs(attrs) query += set_attributes( var_name='new_graph', attrs=attrs) self.execute(query) except(ConstraintError): raise HierarchyError( "The graph '{}' is already in the database.".format(graph_id)) g = Neo4jGraph( driver=self._driver, node_label=graph_id, unique_node_ids=True) if node_list is not None: g.add_nodes_from(node_list) if edge_list is not None: g.add_edges_from(edge_list)
[docs] def add_empty_graph(self, graph_id, attrs=None): """"Add a new empty graph to the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- graph_id : hashable Id of a new node in the hierarchy graph_attrs : dict, optional Dictionary containing attributes of the new node """ self.add_graph_from_data( graph_id, node_list=[], edge_list=[], attrs=attrs)
[docs] def add_typing(self, source, target, mapping, attrs=None, check=True): """Add homomorphism to the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- source : hashable Id of the source graph node of typing target : hashable Id of the target graph node of typing mapping : dict Dictionary representing a mapping of nodes from the source graph to target's nodes attrs : dict Dictionary containing attributes of the new typing edge Raises ------ HierarchyError This error is raised in the following cases: * source or target ids are not found in the hierarchy * a typing edge between source and target already exists * addition of an edge between source and target creates a cycle or produces paths that do not commute with some already existing paths InvalidHomomorphism If a homomorphisms from a graph at the source to a graph at the target given by `mapping` is not a valid homomorphism. """ query = "" tmp_attrs = {'tmp': {'true'}} normalize_attrs(tmp_attrs) if len(mapping) > 0: with self._driver.session() as session: tx = session.begin_transaction() for u, v in mapping.items(): query = ( set_intergraph_edge( source, target, u, v, "typing", attrs=tmp_attrs)) tx.commit() valid_typing = True paths_commute = True if check: # We first check that the homorphism is valid try: with self._driver.session() as session: tx = session.begin_transaction() valid_typing = check_homomorphism(tx, source, target) tx.commit() except InvalidHomomorphism as homomorphism_error: valid_typing = False del_query = ( "MATCH (:{})-[t:typing]-(:{})\n".format( source, target) + "DELETE t\n" ) self.execute(del_query) raise homomorphism_error # We then check that the new typing preserv consistency try: with self._driver.session() as session: tx = session.begin_transaction() paths_commute = check_consistency(tx, source, target) tx.commit() except InvalidHomomorphism as consistency_error: paths_commute = False del_query = ( "MATCH (:{})-[t:typing]-(:{})\n".format( source, target) + "DELETE t\n" ) self.execute(del_query) raise consistency_error if valid_typing and paths_commute: skeleton_query = ( match_nodes( var_id_dict={'g_src': source, 'g_tar': target}, node_label=self._graph_label) + add_edge( edge_var='new_hierarchy_edge', source_var='g_src', target_var='g_tar', edge_label=self._typing_label, attrs=attrs) + with_vars(["new_hierarchy_edge"]) + "MATCH (:{})-[t:typing]-(:{})\n".format( source, target) + "REMOVE t.tmp\n" ) self.execute(skeleton_query)
# return result
[docs] def add_relation(self, left, right, relation, attrs=None): """Add relation to the hierarchy. This method adds a relation between two graphs in the hierarchy corresponding to the nodes with ids `left` and `right`, the relation itself is defined by a dictionary `relation`, where a key is a node in the `left` graph and its corresponding value is a set of nodes from the `right` graph to which the node is related. Relations in the hierarchy are symmetric (see example below). Parameters ---------- left Id of the hierarchy's node represening the `left` graph right Id of the hierarchy's node represening the `right` graph relation : dict Dictionary representing a relation of nodes from `left` to the nodes from `right`, a key of the dictionary is assumed to be a node from `left` and its value a set of ids of related nodes from `right` attrs : dict Dictionary containing attributes of the new relation Raises ------ HierarchyError This error is raised in the following cases: * node with id `left`/`right` is not defined in the hierarchy; * node with id `left`/`right` is not a graph; * a relation between `left` and `right` already exists; * some node ids specified in `relation` are not found in the `left`/`right` graph. """ new_rel = normalize_relation(relation) if attrs is not None: normalize_attrs(attrs) for key, values in new_rel.items(): for v in values: query = ( "MATCH (u:{} {{id: '{}'}}), (v:{} {{id: '{}'}})\n".format( left, key, right, v) + add_edge( edge_var="rel", source_var="u", target_var="v", edge_label="relation") ) self.execute(query) # query = "" # rel_creation_queries = [] # nodes_to_match_left = set() # nodes_to_match_right = set() # for key, values in relation.items(): # nodes_to_match_left.add(key) # for value in values: # nodes_to_match_right.add(value) # rel_creation_queries.append( # add_edge( # edge_var="rel_" + key + "_" + value, # source_var="n" + key + "_left", # target_var="n" + value + "_right", # edge_label="relation")) # if len(nodes_to_match_left) > 0: # query += match_nodes( # {"n" + n + "_left": n for n in nodes_to_match_left}, # node_label=g_left._node_label) # query += with_vars( # ["n" + s + "_left" for s in nodes_to_match_left]) # query += match_nodes( # {"n" + n + "_right": n for n in nodes_to_match_right}, # node_label=g_right._node_label) # for q in rel_creation_queries: # query += q # print(query) # rel_addition_result = self.execute(query) skeleton_query = ( match_nodes( var_id_dict={'g_left': left, 'g_right': right}, node_label=self._graph_label) + add_edge( edge_var='new_hierarchy_edge', source_var='g_left', target_var='g_right', edge_label=self._relation_label, attrs=attrs) ) skeleton_addition_result = self.execute(skeleton_query) return (None, skeleton_addition_result)
[docs] def remove_graph(self, graph_id, reconnect=False): """Remove graph from the hierarchy. Removes a graph from the hierarchy, if the `reconnect` parameter is set to True, adds typing from the predecessors of the removed node to all its successors, by composing the homomorphisms (for every predecessor `p` and for every successor 's' composes two homomorphisms `p`->`node_id` and `node_id`->`s`, then removes `node_id` and all its incident edges, by which makes node's removal a procedure of 'forgetting' one level of 'abstraction'). Parameters ---------- node_id Id of a graph to remove reconnect : bool Reconnect the descendants of the removed node to its predecessors Raises ------ HierarchyError If graph with `node_id` is not defined in the hierarchy """ g = self._access_graph(graph_id) if reconnect: query = ( "MATCH (n:{})".format(graph_id) + "OPTIONAL MATCH (pred)-[:typing]->(n)-[:typing]->(suc)\n" + "WITH pred, suc WHERE pred IS NOT NULL\n" + add_edge( edge_var='reconnect_typing', source_var='pred', target_var='suc', edge_label="typing") ) self.execute(query) # Clear the graph and drop the constraint on the ids g._drop_constraint('id') g._clear() # Remove the graph (and reconnect if True) if reconnect: query = ( match_node( var_name="graph_to_rm", node_id=graph_id, node_label=self._graph_label) + "OPTIONAL MATCH (pred)-[:{}]->(n)-[:{}]->(suc)\n".format( self._typing_label, self._typing_label) + "WITH pred, suc WHERE pred IS NOT NULL\n" + add_edge( edge_var='reconnect_typing', source_var='pred', target_var='suc', edge_label="typing") ) self.execute(query) query = match_node(var_name="graph_to_rm", node_id=graph_id, node_label=self._graph_label) query += remove_nodes(["graph_to_rm"]) self.execute(query)
[docs] def remove_typing(self, s, t): """Remove a typing from the hierarchy.""" # Clean-up the represenation of the homomorphism query = ( "MATCH (:{})-[r:{}]->(:{})\n".format( s, self._graph_typing_label, t) + "DELETE r\n" ) self.execute(query) # Remove the corresponding edge from the skeleton query = match_edge( "source", "target", s, t, "e", self._graph_label, self._graph_label, edge_label=self._typing_label) query += remove_edge("e") self.execute(query)
[docs] def remove_relation(self, left, right): """Remove a relation from the hierarchy.""" query = ( "MATCH (:{})-[r:{}]-(:{})\n".format( left, self._graph_relation_label, right) + "DELETE r\n" ) self.execute(query) # Remove the corresponding edge from the skeleton query = match_edge( "left", "right", left, right, "e", self._graph_label, self._graph_label, edge_label=self._relation_label) query += remove_edge("e") self.execute(query)
[docs] def bfs_tree(self, graph, reverse=False): """BFS tree from the graph to all other reachable graphs.""" bfs_result = [] if reverse: current_level = self.predecessors(graph) else: current_level = self.successors(graph) bfs_result += current_level while len(current_level) > 0: next_level = [] for g in current_level: if reverse: next_level += [ p for p in self.predecessors(g) if p not in set(bfs_result)] else: next_level += [ s for s in self.successors(g) if s not in set(bfs_result) ] current_level = next_level bfs_result += next_level return bfs_result
[docs] def shortest_path(self, source, target): """Shortest path from 'source' to 'target'.""" query = shortest_path_query( source, target, self._graph_label, self._typing_label) result = self.execute(query) return result.single()["path"]
[docs] def copy_graph(self, graph_id, new_graph_id, attach_graphs=[]): """Create a copy of a graph in a hierarchy.""" if new_graph_id in self.graphs(): raise HierarchyError( "Graph with id '{}' already exists in the hierarchy".format( new_graph_id)) self.add_empty_graph(new_graph_id, attrs=self.get_graph_attrs(graph_id)) copy_nodes_q = ( "MATCH (n:{}) CREATE (n1:{}) SET n1=n\n ".format( graph_id, new_graph_id) # "SET n1.oldId =, = toString(id(n1))\n" ) self.execute(copy_nodes_q) copy_edges_q = ( "MATCH (n:{})-[r:{}]->(m:{}), (n1:{}), (m1:{}) \n".format( graph_id, self._graph_edge_label, graph_id, new_graph_id, new_graph_id) + "WHERE AND \n" + "MERGE (n1)-[r1:{}]->(m1) SET r1=r\n".format( self._graph_edge_label) ) self.execute(copy_edges_q) # copy all typings for g in attach_graphs: if g in self.successors(graph_id): self.add_typing(new_graph_id, g, self.get_typing(graph_id, g)) if g in self.predecessors(graph_id): self.add_typing(g, new_graph_id, self.get_typing(g, graph_id)) if g in self.adjacent_relations(graph_id): self.add_relation(g, new_graph_id, self.get_relation(g, graph_id))
[docs] def relabel_graph_node(self, graph_id, node, new_name): """Rename a node in a graph of the hierarchy.""" g = self.get_graph(graph_id) g.relabel_node(node, new_name)
[docs] def relabel_graph(self, graph_id, new_graph_id): """Relabel a graph in the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- graph_id : hashable Id of the graph to relabel new_graph_id : hashable New graph id to assign to this graph """ if new_graph_id in self.graphs(): raise ReGraphError( "Cannot relabel '{}' to '{}', '{}' ".format( graph_id, new_graph_id, new_graph_id) + "already exists in the hierarchy") # Change labels of data nodes query = ( "MATCH (n:{})\n".format(graph_id) + "SET n:{}\n".format(new_graph_id) ) self.execute(query) # Relabel node in the skeleton skeleton = self._access_graph(self._graph_label) skeleton.relabel_node(graph_id, new_graph_id)
[docs] def relabel_graphs(self, mapping): """Relabel graphs in the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- mapping: dict A dictionary with keys being old graph ids and their values being new id's of the respective graphs. Raises ------ ReGraphError If new id's do not define a set of distinct graph id's. """ # Relabel nodes in the skeleton skeleton = self._access_graph(self._graph_label) skeleton.relabel_nodes(mapping) temp_names = {} # Relabeling of the nodes: if at some point new ID conflicts # with already existing ID - assign temp ID for key, value in mapping.items(): if key != value: if value not in self.graphs(): new_name = value else: new_name = self.generate_new_node_id(value) temp_names[new_name] = value query = ( "MATCH (n:{})\n".format(key) + "SET n:{}\n".format(value) ) self.execute(query) # Relabeling the nodes with the temp ID to their new IDs for key, value in temp_names: if key != value: query = ( "MATCH (n:{})\n".format(key) + "SET n:{}\n".format(value) ) self.execute(query) return
def _update_mapping(self, source, target, mapping): """Update the mapping dictionary from source to target.""" old_mapping = self.get_typing(source, target) typing_to_update = { k: mapping[k] for k, v in old_mapping.items() if k in mapping and mapping[k] != v } for k, v in typing_to_update.items(): query = ( "MATCH (s:{} {{id: '{}'}})-[r:{}]->(t:{} {{id: '{}'}}), ".format( source, k, self._graph_typing_label, target, old_mapping[k]) + "(new_t:{} {{id: '{}'}})\n".format(target, v) + "DELETE r\n" + "MERGE (s)-[:{}]->(new_t)\n".format(self._graph_typing_label) ) self.execute(query) new_typing = { k: v for k, v in mapping.items() if k not in typing_to_update } for k, v in new_typing.items(): query = ( "MATCH (s:{} {{id: '{}'}}), (new_t:{} {{id: '{}'}})\n".format( source, k, target, v) + "MERGE (s)-[:{}]->(new_t)\n".format(self._graph_typing_label) ) self.execute(query) def _update_relation(self, left, right, relation): """Update the relation dictionaries (left and right).""" old_relation = self.get_relation(left, right) relations_to_add = dict([ (k, v.difference(old_relation[k])) if k in old_relation else (k, v) for k, v in relation.items() ]) relation_to_remove = dict([ (k, v.difference(relation[k])) if k in relation else (k, v) for k, v in old_relation.items() ]) for k, vs in relations_to_add.items(): for v in vs: query = ( "MATCH (s:{} {{id: '{}'}}), (t:{} {{id: '{}'}}) \n".format( left, k, right, v) + "MERGE (s)-[:{}]->(new_t)\n".format( self._graph_relation_label) ) self.execute(query) for k, vs in relation_to_remove.items(): for v in vs: query = ( "MATCH (s:{} {{id: '{}'}})-[r:{}]-(t:{} {{id: '{}'}})\n".format( left, k, self._graph_relation_label, right, v) + "DELETE r\n" ) self.execute(query) def _get_rule_liftings(self, graph_id, rule, instance, p_typing): pass def _get_rule_projections(self, graph_id, rule, instance, rhs_typing): pass # Implementation of the Neo4jHierarchy-specific methods def __init__(self, uri=None, user=None, password=None, driver=None, graph_label="graph", typing_label="homomorphism", relation_label="binaryRelation", graph_edge_label="edge", graph_typing_label="typing", graph_relation_label="relation"): """Initialize driver. Parameters ---------- uri : str, optional Uri for Neo4j database connection user : str, optional Username for Neo4j database connection password : str, optional Password for Neo4j database connection driver :, optional Driver providing connection to a Neo4j database. graph_label : str, optional Label to use for skeleton nodes representing graphs. typing_label : str, optional Relation type to use for skeleton edges representing homomorphisms. relation_label : str, optional Relation type to use for skeleton edges representing relations. graph_edge_label : str, optional Relation type to use for all graph edges. graph_typing_label : str, optional Relation type to use for edges encoding homomorphisms. graph_relation_label : str, optional Relation type to use for edges encoding relations. """ # The following idea is cool but it's not so easy: # as we have two types of nodes in the hierarchy: # graphs and rules, as well as two types of edges: # homomorphisms and relations, and so far Neo4jGraph # supports only a single label for nodes and for edges # Neo4jGraph.__init__( # self, uri=uri, user=user, password=password, # node_label="hierarchyNode", # edge_label="hierarchyEdge") if driver is None: self._driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, auth=(user, password)) else: self._driver = driver self._graph_label = graph_label self._typing_label = typing_label self._relation_label = relation_label self._graph_edge_label = graph_edge_label self._graph_typing_label = graph_typing_label self._graph_relation_label = graph_relation_label try: query = "CREATE " + constraint_query( 'n', self._graph_label, 'id') self.execute(query) except: pass
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, uri=None, user=None, password=None, driver=None, filename=None, ignore=None, clear=False): """Load the hierarchy.""" if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, "r+") as f: json_data = json.loads( hierarchy = cls.from_json( uri=uri, user=user, password=password, driver=driver, json_data=json_data, ignore=ignore, clear=clear) return hierarchy else: raise ReGraphError("File '{}' does not exist!".format(filename))
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, uri=None, user=None, password=None, driver=None, json_data=None, ignore=None, clear=False): """Create hierarchy object from JSON representation. Parameters ---------- uri : str, optional Uri for Neo4j database connection user : str, optional Username for Neo4j database connection password : str, optional Password for Neo4j database connection driver :, optional DB driver object json_data : dict, optional JSON-like dict containing representation of a hierarchy ignore : dict, optional Dictionary containing components to ignore in the process of converting from JSON, dictionary should respect the following format: { "graphs": <collection of ids of graphs to ignore>, "rules": <collection of ids of rules to ignore>, "typing": <collection of tuples containing typing edges to ignore>, "rule_typing": <collection of tuples containing rule typing edges to ignore>>, "relations": <collection of tuples containing relations to ignore>, } directed : bool, optional True if graphs from JSON representation should be loaded as directed graphs, False otherwise, default value -- True Returns ------- hierarchy : regraph.hierarchy.Hierarchy """ hierarchy = cls( uri=uri, user=user, password=password, driver=driver) if clear is True: hierarchy._clear() # add graphs for graph_data in json_data["graphs"]: if ignore is not None and\ "graphs" in ignore.keys() and\ graph_data["id"] in ignore["graphs"]: pass else: if "attrs" not in graph_data.keys(): attrs = dict() else: attrs = attrs_from_json(graph_data["attrs"]) hierarchy.add_graph_from_json( graph_data["id"], graph_data["graph"], attrs) # add typing for typing_data in json_data["typing"]: if ignore is not None and\ "typing" in ignore.keys() and\ (typing_data["from"], typing_data["to"]) in ignore["typing"]: pass else: if "attrs" not in typing_data.keys(): attrs = dict() else: attrs = attrs_from_json(typing_data["attrs"]) hierarchy.add_typing( typing_data["from"], typing_data["to"], typing_data["mapping"], attrs) # add relations for relation_data in json_data["relations"]: from_g = relation_data["from"] to_g = relation_data["to"] if ignore is not None and\ "relations" in ignore.keys() and\ ((from_g, to_g) in ignore["relations"] or (to_g, from_g) in ignore["relations"]): pass else: if "attrs" not in relation_data.keys(): attrs = dict() else: attrs = attrs_from_json(relation_data["attrs"]) if (from_g, to_g) not in hierarchy.relations(): hierarchy.add_relation( relation_data["from"], relation_data["to"], {a: set(b) for a, b in relation_data["rel"].items()}, attrs ) return hierarchy
[docs] def close(self): """Close connection to the database.""" self._driver.close()
[docs] def execute(self, query): """Execute a Cypher query.""" with self._driver.session() as session: if len(query) > 0: result = return result
def _clear(self): """Clear the hierarchy.""" query = clear_graph() result = self.execute(query) # self.drop_all_constraints() return result def _clear_all(self): query = "MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n" self.execute(query) def _drop_all_constraints(self): """Drop all the constraints on the hierarchy.""" with self._driver.session() as session: for constraint in"CALL db.constraints"):"DROP " + constraint[0]) def _access_graph(self, graph_id, edge_label=None): """Access a graph of the hierarchy.""" if edge_label is None: edge_label = "edge" g = Neo4jGraph( self._driver, node_label=graph_id, edge_label=edge_label) return g
[docs]class TypedNeo4jGraph(Neo4jHierarchy): """Class implementing two level hiearchy. This class encapsulates neo4j.v1.GraphDatabase object. It provides an interface for accessing typed graphs accommodated in the Neo4j DB. Our system is assumed to consist of two graphs (the data graph) and (the schema graph) connected with a graph homomorphisms (defining typing of the data graph by the schema graph). Attributes ---------- _driver : neo4j.v1.GraphDatabase Driver providing connection to a Neo4j database _graph_label : str _typing_label : str _graph_edge_label : str _graph_typing_label : str _schema_node_label : str Label of nodes inducing the schema graph. _data_node_label : str Top level represents a data instance, while bottom level represents a graphical schema. """ def __init__(self, uri=None, user=None, password=None, driver=None, schema_graph=None, data_graph=None, typing=None, clear=False, graph_label="graph", typing_label="homomorphism", graph_edge_label="edge", graph_typing_label="typing", schema_node_label="type", data_node_label="node"): """Initialize driver. Parameters: ---------- uri : str, optional Uri of bolt listener, for example 'bolt://' user : str, optional Neo4j database user id password : str, optional Neo4j database password driver :, optional graph_label : str, optional Label to use for skeleton nodes representing graphs. typing_label : str, optional Relation type to use for skeleton edges representing homomorphisms. graph_edge_label : str, optional Relation type to use for all graph edges. graph_typing_label : str, optional Relation type to use for edges encoding homomorphisms. schema_graph : dict, optional Schema graph to initialize the TypedGraph in JSON representation: {"nodes": <networkx_like_nodes>, "edges": <networkx_like_edges>}. By default is empty. data_graph : dict, optional Data graph to initialize the TypedGraph in JSON representation: {"nodes": <networkx_like_nodes>, "edges": <networkx_like_edges>}. By default is empty. typing : dict, optional Dictionary contaning typing of data nodes by schema nodes. By default is empty. """ self._driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, auth=(user, password)) if clear is True: self._clear() self._graph_label = "graph" self._typing_label = "homomorphism" self._relation_label = None self._graph_edge_label = "edge" self._graph_typing_label = "typing" self._graph_relation_label = "relation" self._schema_node_label = "type" self._data_node_label = "node" # create data/schema nodes if schema_graph is not None: if self._schema_node_label not in self.graphs(): self.add_graph_from_data( self._schema_node_label, schema_graph["nodes"], schema_graph["edges"]) else: warnings.warn( "The database already contains an instance of the " "schema graph, ignoring provided node and edge list", ReGraphWarning ) if data_graph is not None: if self._data_node_label not in self.graphs(): self.add_graph_from_data( self._data_node_label, data_graph["nodes"], data_graph["edges"]) else: warnings.warn( "The database already contains an instance of the " "data graph, ignoring provided node and edge list", ReGraphWarning ) if typing is not None: if (self._data_node_label, self._schema_node_label) not in self.typings(): self.add_typing( self._data_node_label, self._schema_node_label, typing) else: warnings.warn( "The database already contains a typing of the " "data by the schema, ignoring provided typing", ReGraphWarning )
[docs] def get_instances(self, schema_node): """Get all the instances of the schema node.""" return keys_by_value(self.get_data_typing(), schema_node)
[docs] def find_data_matching(self, pattern, pattern_typing=None, nodes=None): """Find matching of a pattern in the data graph. Parameters ---------- pattern : Graph object A pattern to match pattern_typing : dict A dictionary that specifies a typing of a pattern, keys of the dictionary -- graph id that types a pattern, this graph should be among parents of the `graph_id` graph; values are mappings of nodes from pattern to the typing graph; nodes : iterable Subset of nodes where matching should be performed Returns ------- instances : list of dict List of matched instances """ schema_typing = None if pattern_typing is not None: schema_typing = { self._schema_node_label: pattern_typing } return self.find_matching( self._data_node_label, pattern, pattern_typing=schema_typing, nodes=nodes)
[docs] def find_schema_matching(self, pattern, nodes=None): """Find matching of a pattern in the schema graph. Parameters ---------- pattern : Graph object A pattern to match pattern_typing : dict A dictionary that specifies a typing of a pattern, keys of the dictionary -- graph id that types a pattern, this graph should be among parents of the `graph_id` graph; values are mappings of nodes from pattern to the typing graph; nodes : iterable Subset of nodes where matching should be performed Returns ------- instances : list of dict List of matched instances """ return self.find_matching( self._schema_node_label, pattern, nodes=nodes)
[docs] def rewrite_data(self, rule, instance, rhs_typing=None, strict=False): """Rewrite the data graph. Parameters ---------- rule : regraph.rule.Rule Rule object to apply instance : dict, optional Dictionary containing an instance of the lhs of the rule in the data graph, by default, tries to construct the identity morphism of the nodes of the pattern rhs_typing : dict, optional Dictionary containing typing of the rhs by the schema. strict : bool, optional Rewriting is strict when propagation down is not allowed Raises ------ HierarchyError If the graph is not in the database RewritingError If the provided p and rhs typing are inconsistent """ if rhs_typing is None: rhs_typing = dict() res = self.rewrite( self._data_node_label, rule=rule, instance=instance, rhs_typing={ self._schema_node_label: rhs_typing }, strict=strict) return res
[docs] def rewrite_schema(self, rule, instance=None, data_typing=None, strict=False): """Rewrite the schema graph. Parameters ---------- rule : regraph.rule.Rule Rule object to apply instance : dict, optional Dictionary containing an instance of the lhs of the rule in the schema graph, by default, tries to construct the identity morphism of the nodes of the pattern data_typing : dict, optional Dictionary containing typing of data by the interface of the rule. strict : bool, optional Rewriting is strict when propagation down is not allowed Raises ------ HierarchyError If the graph is not in the database RewritingError If the provided p and rhs typing are inconsistent """ p_typing = None if data_typing is not None: p_typing = { self._data_node_label: data_typing } return self.rewrite( self._schema_node_label, rule=rule, instance=instance, p_typing=p_typing, strict=strict)
[docs] def relabel_schema_node(self, node_id, new_node_id): """Relabel a node in the schema.""" self.relabel_graph_node( self._schema_node_label, node_id, new_node_id)
[docs] def relabel_data_node(self, node_id, new_node_id): """Relabel a node in the data.""" self.relabel_graph_node(self._data_node_label, node_id, new_node_id)
[docs] def get_data(self): """Get the data graph object.""" return self.get_graph(self._data_node_label)
[docs] def get_schema(self): """Get the schema graph object.""" return self.get_graph(self._schema_node_label)
[docs] def get_data_nodes(self, data=False): """Get to nodes of the data.""" data_g = self.get_data() return data_g.nodes(data=data)
[docs] def get_data_edges(self, data=False): """Get the edges of the data.""" data_g = self.get_data() return data_g.edges(data=data)
[docs] def get_schema_nodes(self, data=False): """Get the nodes of the schema.""" schema = self.get_schema() return schema.nodes(data=data)
[docs] def get_schema_edges(self, data=False): """Get the edges of the schema.""" schema = self.get_schema() return schema.edges(data=data)
[docs] def get_data_typing(self): """Get the typing of the data.""" return self.get_typing( self._data_node_label, self._schema_node_label)
[docs] def get_node_type(self, node_id): """Get the type of a node in the data.""" t = self.node_type(self._data_node_label, node_id) return t[self._schema_node_label]
[docs] def get_data_node(self, node_id): """Get the attributes of a data node.""" g = self.get_graph(self._data_node_label) return g.get_node(node_id)
[docs] def get_schema_node(self, node_id): """Get the attributes of a schema node.""" g = self.get_graph(self._schema_node_label) return g.get_node(node_id)
# Set of utils for type-respecting transformations
[docs] def remove_data_node(self, node_id): """Remove a data node.""" g = self.get_graph(self._data_node_label) g.remove_node(node_id)
[docs] def remove_data_edge(self, source, target): """Remove a data edge.""" g = self.get_graph(self._data_node_label) g.remove_edge(source, target)
[docs] def remove_data_node_attrs(self, node_id, attrs): """Remove the attributes of a data node.""" g = self.get_data() g.remove_node_attrs(node_id, attrs)
[docs] def add_data_node(self, node_id, typing, attrs=None): """Add a data node typed by the specified schema node.""" rule = Rule.from_transform(NXGraph()) rule.inject_add_node(node_id, attrs) rhs_typing = {node_id: typing} rhs_instance = self.rewrite_data( rule, {}, rhs_typing=rhs_typing, strict=True) return rhs_instance[node_id]
[docs] def add_data_edge(self, source, target, attrs=None): """Add a data edge.""" schema_s = self.get_node_type(source) schema_t = self.get_node_type(target) schema = self.get_schema() if (schema_s, schema_t) not in schema.edges(): raise RewritingError( "Cannot add an edge '{}->{}': ".format( source, target) + "edge '{}->{}' is not allowed by the schema".format( schema_s, schema_t)) else: normalize_attrs(attrs) schema_attrs = schema.get_edge(schema_s, schema_t) if not valid_attributes(attrs, schema_attrs): raise RewritingError( "Cannot add attributes {} to '{}->{}': ".format( attrs, source, target) + "the typing schema edge '{}->{}' does not allow ".format( schema_s, schema_t) + "these attributes (allowed {})".format(schema_attrs)) data = self.get_data() data.add_edge(source, target, attrs) return
[docs] def add_data_node_attrs(self, node_id, attrs): """Add the attributes to a data node.""" normalize_attrs(attrs) schema_node = self.get_node_type(node_id) schema_attrs = self.get_schema_node(schema_node) if not valid_attributes(attrs, schema_attrs): raise RewritingError( "Cannot add attributes {} to '{}': ".format( attrs, node_id) + "the typing schema node '{}' does not allow ".format( schema_node) + "these attributes (allowed {})".format(schema_attrs)) else: g = self.get_data() g.add_node_attrs(node_id, attrs)
[docs] def add_data_edge_attrs(self, source, target, attrs): """Add a data edge.""" schema_s = self.get_node_type(source) schema_t = self.get_node_type(target) schema = self.get_schema() normalize_attrs(attrs) schema_attrs = schema.get_edge(schema_s, schema_t) if not valid_attributes(attrs, schema_attrs): raise RewritingError( "Cannot add attributes {} to '{}->{}': ".format( attrs, source, target) + "the typing schema edge '{}->{}' does not allow ".format( schema_s, schema_t) + "these attributes (allowed {})".format(schema_attrs)) else: data = self.get_data() data.add_edge_attrs(source, target, attrs) return
[docs] def merge_data_nodes(self, node_list): """Merge data nodes.""" data_typing = self.get_data_typing() schema_nodes = set([ data_typing[n] for n in node_list ]) if len(schema_nodes) > 1: raise RewritingError( "Cannot merge the data nodes {} ".format(node_list) + "of different types (i.e. {})".format(schema_nodes) ) pattern = NXGraph() pattern.add_nodes_from(node_list) rule = Rule.from_transform(pattern) merged_node = rule.inject_merge_nodes(node_list) rhs_instance = self.rewrite_data(rule, instance=None, strict=True) return rhs_instance[merged_node]
[docs] def add_schema_node(self, node_id, attrs=None): """Add a schema node.""" g = self.get_graph(self._schema_node_label) g.add_node(node_id, attrs)
[docs] def add_schema_edge(self, source, target, attrs=None): """Add a schema node.""" g = self.get_graph(self._schema_node_label) g.add_edge(source, target, attrs)
[docs] def add_schema_node_attrs(self, node_id, attrs): """Add the attributes of a schema node.""" g = self.get_graph(self._schema_node_label) g.add_node_attrs(node_id, attrs)
[docs] def remove_schema_node(self, node_id): """Remove a schema node.""" data_typing = self.get_data_typing() instances = keys_by_value(data_typing, node_id) if len(instances) > 0: raise RewritingError( "Cannot remove '{}' from the schema: ".format( node_id) + "'{}' has instances in the data ({})".format( node_id, instances)) else: g = self.get_schema() g.remove_node(node_id)
[docs] def remove_schema_node_attrs(self, node_id, attrs): """Remove a schema node.""" data_typing = self.get_data_typing() instances = keys_by_value(data_typing, node_id) if len(instances) > 0: for instance in instances: instance_attrs = self.get_data_node(instance) if valid_attributes(attrs, instance_attrs): raise RewritingError( "Cannot remove attributes {} from '{}' in the schema: ".format( attrs, node_id) + "the instance '{}' in the data has attributes {}".format( instance, instance_attrs)) normalize_attrs(attrs) g = self.get_schema() g.remove_node_attrs(node_id, attrs)
[docs] def remove_schema_edge(self, source, target): """Remove a schema node.""" data_typing = self.get_data_typing() instances_s = keys_by_value(data_typing, source) instances_t = keys_by_value(data_typing, target) data = self.get_data() for s in instances_s: for t in instances_t: if (s, t) in data.edges(): raise RewritingError( "Cannot remove '{}->{}' from the schema: ".format( source, target) + "'{}->{}' has an instance in the data ('{}->{}'')".format( source, target, s, t)) g = self.get_schema() g.remove_edge(source, target)
[docs] def remove_schema_edge_attrs(self, source, target, attrs): """Remove a schema node.""" data_typing = self.get_data_typing() instances_s = keys_by_value(data_typing, source) instances_t = keys_by_value(data_typing, target) data = self.get_data() normalize_attrs(attrs) for s in instances_s: for t in instances_t: if (s, t) in data.edges(): data_attrs = data.get_edge(source, target) if valid_attributes(attrs, data_attrs): raise RewritingError( "Cannot remove attributes {} from '{}->{}' ".format( attrs, source, target) + "in the schema: the instance '{}->{}' ".format( s, t) + "in the data has attributes {}".format( data_attrs)) g = self.get_schema() g.remove_edge_attrs(source, target, attrs)
[docs] def clone_schema_node(self, node, data_typing): """Clone a schema node.""" pattern = NXGraph() pattern.add_nodes_from(node) rule = Rule.from_transform(pattern) _, rhs_clone = rule.inject_clone_node(node) rhs_instance = self.rewrite_schema( rule, instance=None, data_typing=data_typing, strict=True) return rhs_instance[rhs_clone]